Fish Report
Fish News and other related stuff
Disclaimer: these fish reports are just that, fish stories that change daily
To be added to the report, send your fishing updates and photos to or if you’re on the water, Channel 65 on the VHF radio
If you’ve enjoyed these fish reports and want to help out, send $10 $20 or more to JD either via PayPal (using the below button) or come by the shop (406 South Bayfront, Balboa Island, CA 92662)
Thursdays report—3/27/25 morning overcast cloud cover left with that west wind -fair- and cool off the water—at 57.9 F. - seas ok but have that cool wind cap with it-
A loosely scatter area off dolphins this morning— out 6-8 outside Dana Pt.
Go Angeles—- Go Dodgers !
Wed- closed-
Tuesdays March the 25 - Overcast and cooler= it may be warm inland but cool here on the beach- no wind water still cold ( yea - it got up to 58.8 degrees this morning) and too much algae in the bays and harbors, results from the previous rain’s runoff. wind developed mid day as that coastal marine layer tried to lift off-
Whalers finding a few spouts today— a couple of grays- making their way up north- fast travailing- a Fin-Back whale that was sighted then hid and a few dolphin off Dana Pt 2 miles- lots of birds there too-
From last Sundays Report on the fishing at the island— variety I’d say—- Hey JD . . .
Schmok on the Water here . . . Just to let you know there are fish out there to be had . . . We hit Catalina on Saturday and pulled in nine species. Some big white fish, a few bass, a few sheepshead, a sculpin, a drop back sized mackerel on light bass gear (a bunch more on the sabiki), a couple blue perch, a garabaldi (that didn’t clear rails), one little something and an octopus.
Seas were flat, water temp at Cat reached 63.4, there was bait everywhere, fat and happy seals that ignored the boat, and there were little sun fish maybe 18” across, that were being attacked and maimed by seals and then left to die . . . Never seen that . . .
All in all though, a Perfect day of fishing and adventure . . .- George
Closed on Mondays- took the grand kids for a afternoon on the bay— caught lots of seaweed-no fish but had a fun time—
Sundays March the 23 - starts off with morning cloud cover- broke apart to a pale blue overhead seaward still marine haze- wind strong from the south this morning 5-8 9 kts- light chop w it- water got even cooler—
57.2 °FCouple, three whales showing up- flunking for their audience to see-= dolphins again fill the bill for most —Pods of even 5 and 7 seen today—
3-4 off the beach lots of bait seen, anchovies—kelps have sardines under them—
Now it’s Saturday March the 22- soon to be April— Mostly clear blue sky this morning— light 2-5 kts from the south seas still cool at 57 degrees felt like some fog last evening- but not yet- another One Tide day today-
Quite a few smaller boats out today rigged with multi light tackle bass rods - VHF radio says a bass tournament -
The San Diego partyboats should be heading out over the next few days— the weather’s gotten better and from the AIS showing several private boats out there doing their thing— Pacific Bluefin Tuna here we come— Stand By—
Just finished up building a Heavy Tackle Bamboo rod ,w/ pre-war Agate guides, matching wraps and grips to the 14/0 Ocean City reel w 1,000 yds of 24 thread linen line! Yikes you need a big fighting chair for this one!
JD , I noticed that picture of a 14/0 Ocean Reel in your past fish report with the Von Brunt Adjustable Lugs [ Reel Strap/Braces ] on the bottom of the reel, invented by Williard Von Brunt past president of the Tuna Club of Avalon , lots of history associated with the organization. JR
Basking Shark sighting off Newport-yesterday
Again a nice afternoon— lots of folks out and about— Regular summer type day— nice sunset too- enjoy life!
Friday— again—- March the 21st-promises to be a nice day— a few morning high clouds, seaward light marine haze- seas are calming down- light S/w wind and small texture on the water
Another One Tide day- it’s rare to get two and three days back to back to back—!!!
26 over 43 dolphins— 10:51 am
he said looks like i’ve got all the dolphins in the world—bird diving— bait — off San Clemente pier 20 over 41— 12:50 tides just starting to flood
really a nice day— wind backed off- sea’s mellowed- should be a great weekend— San Clemente island - SHOBA closed for most of the day on Sat but open on Sunday- Have Fun JD
Thursdays report— March 20th and they say Spring has sprung— Dogwood trees blossomed a month ago- Lily’s already up, Orange trees starting to bloom- the rains helped spur things along— now we need the fishing to improve-
Light wind from the south- brings some of that cool air off the ocean at 56.7 °F degrees -
a One tide day— one High and one low—
Spoke to Nick today, one of the local whale watching boats - ask about the sightings of bait offshore— — not much he says— a few terns pecking at the water , maybe a little krill there but not much so far this season- whatever life there was , was in a streaky line of water in a current break, some life there — he hadn’t seen a Common Dolphin in two days—- ! Yikes !
Reports of most of the sealife and whales were seen off the back side of Catalina—
A little under a month from now the BAC host the Lily Call Bay Tournament on April 12th Starts at Midnight Friday night till 2 pm Sunday have fun_ —
Awards BBQ at the Balboa Angling Clubhouse on Sunday, April 13th at 4:00pm 4# Test Max for CROAKER (Spotfin & Yellowfin Croaker)– CORBINA – HALIBUT – BASS: Kelp, Sand & Spotted, ENTRY FEE: $50.00 for Members, $75 for Non-Members, $20 for 16 & Under-
— Wed’s report March the 19th— Bluebird weather— still a bit on the cool side as that coastal water still cold at 55.6 degrees - Whalers finding pods of dolphins out there to entertain their guest- outside laguna 3-5 off the beach— Aliso, 37/ 44
Speculations as to the upcoming season and what it has to offer— that’s a good thought—— probably about the same as last year-at least not worse- I don’t see a greater change in the water temps, maybe a little warmer- but time will tell and fish seem to just get bigger over time- so we’ll see.
More boats out moving around today- harbor and bays -
Again a nice day without all that west wind—
Weather trending to get warmer over the weekend— hopeful the water will again start to warm up and action improves— where’s the White Sea bass- ??
Tuesday March the 18th— Cool wind sprang up from the west clearing out what clouds that were there- local water temps 54.5 degrees Yikes—!
Hearty souls— as I look out the window this windy day seeing the local partyboat heading out— flags straight, waters looks gray-green and cold- must be a dozen or more hearty souls on board, out for the whitefish and sculpin - good luck
3/18/25 Western Pride 38 anglers 1/2 Day PM, 125 Sculpin, 3 Whitefish, 1 Sand Bass, 1 Rock Soles
Closed on Mondays— a little to windy to enjoy the boating— yard work , rod wrapping .
Sunday March the 16th- 2025
Light cloud cover— wind light from the south 3-6 kts— west swell at 4 - 9 sec.
Waters still on the cold side— 57.7 degrees F
Overall again a nice day— not much said on the radio today- sailors and whalers, US Border Patrol patrolling, Coast Guard boats out doing their thing and Harbor Patrol boats out -Boaters Cards asked for
Sat March 15 2025——-clearing sky and a few lingering clouds hanging around— wind light to fair from the south- accompanying with small wind chop against that west swell- due to switch west this afternoon-
Dolphins at 31/47 this morning — water temps 55.8 °F—
With the cool water temps and maybe an abundance of baitfish off the coastline— maybe we’ll get a salmon- or could have- but currently it’s closed from April to May—Ocean Salmon Fishery Closed April 1 - May 15, 2025—
In past years — the best Salmon fishing in memory goes back to May in the early 80’s , they came down from Santa Barbara, to Ventura, then Redondo Canyon, to Newport Canyon and then right out the front door- Newport Harbor to Abalone Point-Stand By!
The National Marine Fisheries Service took in season action to close recreational and commercial ocean salmon fishing that was scheduled to be open at this time at the Pacific Fishery Management Council (PFMC) Meeting March 10. A decision about ocean salmon fisheries on or after May 16 will be made at the PFMC meeting on April 15.
Still a nice day overall-
Friday— again March the 14th—Gray sky- not much wind today— so far— seas still have that leftover lump to them — water temps went down to—-
54.3 °F-= Yikes— Seas 5 to 7 ft. Wave Detail: SW 4 ft at 10 seconds and W 7 ft at 12 seconds.
Not much happening today— the weekend promises to be better—
Thursdays Report- March the 13th it’s marching right along- Clearing weather with westerly winds chasing clouds, seas are choppy and messy - water at 57 degrees- by tomorrow it’ll drop another 2 -4 degrees with that wind
ENSO Alert System Status: La Niña Advisory
Synopsis: ENSO-neutral is favored to develop in the next month and persist through the Northern Hemisphere summer (62% chance in June-August 2025).
ENSO Alert System Status: La Niña Advisory
During February 2025, below-average sea surface temperatures (SSTs) weakened in the central and east-central equatorial Pacific Ocean [Fig. 1]. All weekly Niño indices reflected this decline, with near-to-below average values Significant coastal warming was evident near South America, This warming, however, was shallow (in the upper 50m) and was associated with low-level westerly wind anomalies over the eastern Pacific. Below-average subsurface temperatures also weakened persisted at depth in the eastern Pacific Tropical Pacific atmospheric anomalies continued to indicate La Niña conditions Collectively, the coupled ocean-atmosphere system reflected weakening La Niña conditions and a trend toward ENSO-neutral.with chances greater than 50% through July-September 2025. As is typical for forecasts made in the spring, there is large forecast uncertainty at longer time horizons, with no outcome exceeding a 50% chance (chances of El Niño are the lowest). In summary, ENSO-neutral is favored to develop in the next month and persist through the Northern Hemisphere summer (62% chance in June-August 2025; [Fig. 7]).
I guess you can look on the bright side— with a slow raising of water temps this coming summer it promises a steady movement of the fishes- they won’t move that far from yesterdays spot, not as much ocean’s movements , I think?
— Wed’s Report- March the 12th 2025— Mostly cloudy— the VHF radio says- chances or rain throughout the day- shower this evening - Wind is fair+ at 10-15 from the south- spitting a little- blue sky behind it- ocean’s choppy— but —even the Whales watchers were out - God bless em!- Boat cleaners still moving about in the harbor— a few crazy souls into the shop early -wanting to go fishing— they were from Delaware - sorry-
Swells building on the outside—
The next ENSO ( El Nino report) Diagnostics Discussion is scheduled for 13 March 2025. lets see if the summer will get warm- and when will that be-?
Overall a nice day once the drizzle left- still south and wind kept steady
Nice IGFA award- honored to receive it— JD
Tuesdays March the 11 2025— Sprinkles and more rain and wind expected this week— We’ll -Springs is almost here— flowers and plants blooming already-
Strong tides the next few days— quakes??—
Fishing tackle show went over well with lots of stuff seen, give-a-ways and raffle prizes- literature picked up and rods, reels, lures and clothing at great prices -
Once this weather clears out— sportboats and a few privates will head south outside Ensenada and below there for the Bluefin Tunas which were spotted by the plane—
Closed on Mondays—house and yard work-
Sunday March the 9th 2025—- Clear blue sky- cool again in the shade- warming Spring like weather has the plantlife growing as well as the ocean’s plankton is also blooming - light S/E wind due to increase a bit today- but nice-
Another fine day— with lots and lots of folks out and about— good to see everyone enjoying themselves— Not much said on the VHF of the fishing— Dolphins off laguna 2 miles -
Whalers found dolphins off Dana 2- 3 miles and off Newport Pipeline 50- 100 pods—
Hope you got to the Fishing Show— lots of stuff to see- new and old— if you saw something that looked very interesting drop by JD’s and give a chat— Electric reels ?? JD
Sat March the 8 2025—- Blue sky— warming in the sun- cool in the shadows— coastal water still cold at 57-58 degrees- light wind from the south/southeast brings the coolness with it— sea’s ok
A few more Gray Whales seen today maybe 5 total mostly off Laguna 28/ 49, 27/48 —dolphins there too— birds showing right at the mid days slack tide-
Sure lots of folks out today— wandering around- bicycling— pushing dog and baby carriages sailors and a few boaters-
Enjoy the weekend and boating on Sunday—
Fridays again- my the months goes by quickly March the 7th 2025- Mostly clear sky wind light to fair from the south/west 3-6-7 kts seas okay still a mix of swells out there-
No dolphin reported to day- lots of folks attending the Fishing Show— good reviews other than being crowded
Today’s protects included refreshing the drags on a sticky Accurate reel and a old and newer Trinidad 16’s, replace drags and line on a 1930 antique reel, restock the baitbox and tried to get the windows washed-looks to be a busy weekend
Filling moon phase this weekend / it’s March- Seabass should be around??
have fun this weekend! JD
Thursdays Report—March 6th - Clearing weather— with a cold front behind it—swells’ 3-6 ft west water temps dropped to 56-57 degrees wind and chop from the west got the flags straight- lots of sheep seen offshore- Fishing tackle show today through Sunday— good chance to see whats new and desirable in the fishing world-
Light rain for the afternoon hours— well the fish needed it—
Wed’s March the 5th 2025— Cloudy and rain expected- later today and tomorrow- good we need it- as to the fish too- Wind this morning light from the southeast 2 4 kts- will build as that front approaches . seas okay for now- a mix of seastate
Pacific Sportfishing Show— OC Fair grounds starts today- have fun!!
Spoke to my brother up north today -Morro Bay— water temps 48 degrees! Yikes ! caught a couple of—— waves—
Light rain for the afternoon hours— well the fish needed it—
— Tuesdays Feb the 4th 25 or 3/4/25 Mor
ning Clouds left for now- more later tomorrow- wind light from the south 3-6 kts slight wind chop w/ west swell
Filling moon phase towards the latter part of the week- Sea Bass time
Whale watchers were still looking for a stronger migrations of the Gray Whales— not here in any numbers— one seen today- in 800 ft depth suck in to 400 ft depth they hid the rest of the day—
Westerly sky clouding up late in the afternoon— very few folks out fishing these days- the upcoming Sportfishing Show should get more interest out— Stand By- ! water today 56 degrees
Closed on Mondays—
3/2/25 Sunday and the day of rest— Windy and cloudy— west 15-+ kts— seas bumpy , choppy and cooling off—
Sailors taking advantage of the windy day and clearing sky - out in force- tacking about up wind and sailing down tide with the breeze
Wind stayed steady and increased through the day— yet there were still folks out wanting to go “Fishing’, God Bless em”
3/1/25 Sat - cloudy with a fair west wind this morning- seas and swell from the west- more to come- fair number of boats out today- some old timers, some new to the waters- soon to learn.
Tides still running out strong- more debris and trash that earlier high draining tides -rafts of it-
Looks a kayak fishing derby today as several yaks went by in that draining tide
Wind turned south— VHF marine weather warns of approaching low/cold system with Snow reports down to be as low as 4000 ft Yikes!— winds up to 25-30-gust to 40-50 kts Yikes 1 and 10 foot swells on the outside- Stand By—
BAC has their Annual Awards this evening— E mail or give the Club a call for details- 949 673-6316-
Fridays Feb the 28th 2025— that’s it the last day in Feb - Nice morning with a few moisture laden clouds above- Wind fair from the south 5-10 kts + light wind chop on it—
Fin whales seen off Aliso. So. Laguna— five yesterday—
clouding up mid day- wind switched - west- not the boat traffic today as one would see on a Friday afternoon — Nice Sunset
Thursdays Feb the 27th one more day left in the month of Feb 2025- slight change in weather as that morning fog layer left early - gray sky- light westerly developing- some wind texture on the water swells from the west 4 ft at 13 seconds
New Moon tonight— tides dropping out like a rock- pushing 2.7-3 kts—
Several Fin back whales spotted today— 30/49 other dolphins a fair numbers outside Dana— nice seas this afternoon-
Wed’s Feb the 26th 2025- Mostly Sunny inland— foggy here on the beach- cool and calm- Northern waters small craft as those spiraling eddy’s work they way down south, Cold winds and Swells are pushing there way south too-
Building tides in the New Moon phase- Quakes??
Winter time evenings seems to bring out old books to read- currently reading’s of William BeBe a naturalist, ornithologist, marine biologist, entomologist, explorer, and author. Perspectives of nature. In Bay of Bays - a travel down the Pacific Coast from SD to Middle Americas, anchoring in the various bays along their way south, exploring the seas and shoreline for sealife and nature studies- Good read for a aspiring biologist
The fog — hung along the coastline today— more so up in the Long Beach area- slow radio traffic today-
Closed on Mondays and Tuesday too! Dentist, Yikes! that hurt!
Sundays Feb the 23rd 2025- Nice again, some local fog this AM seems to have backed off- blue sky above- marine haze seaward- swell 2-4 ft west 13 sec- wind light from the south 2- 5 kts-
Good to see lots of boats out on the water this morning- smaller skiffs with waiting anglers for some game, bigger stuff of all description these days , they float so I guess they’re boats but look like boxes floating or squared off bows and look like whales.
Waters up to 58-59 degrees,
Fishing— it’s not just going to the spot , catching em’ and that’s it— there’s the search, without it- the goal is not fully achieved.
In search of the desired dinner fare of Sand Dabs— easy to catch- so they thought- Out to the deeper waters towards the rigs- no Dabs, drop after drop n dabs, work into Newport Canyon’s escarpment 400, feet, no dabs, 300- no dabs- 200 no dabs- a run further down the coastline in search of the mighty dabs- the secret spot , still no dabs- Well the search was part of the day and the time spent was worth it in the eye’s of fishing-
Have a good week— JD and
Sat— - late report today—Foggy morning hours led way to clearing sky -high clouds and a light west/southwest wind 3-5-6 kts- seas good- lots of folks out and about—
Spent the morning hours at a Club meeting- you got know its’ a good club when coming to order, the Pledge of Allegiance is made by a solid sound voice. Good meeting with concerns of the future of the billfish and tunas and of the club traditions.
Really a nice day— fishing improving as boaters coming back in the harbor spoke of sand and calico bass— no whitefish for them and a few sculpin— inside the harbor some nice sized Jacksmelt and a good sized bass taken—
Good luck tomorrow if you get out— may be morning fog again— stand by-
Feb the 21 2025— Friday again - looks like a nice day unfolding— still some seaward haze , light wind from the south/west 2-4 kts- seas okay . More boating trafic here in the harbor this morning— couple of GB’s and some yachts heading to the island, smaller skiffs decorated with many fishing rods headed out. Weather looks good for the weekend— Enjoy it
Off to the dentist later on today-=- yikes!!
Not much said today from the whale watchers— some Common Dolphins off Main beach laguna in 1,000 ft of water
Sculpin and whitefish for the local party boats- privates finding a fair number of Sand bass up off the art. reefs above Newport- the Calicos bit better early on this morning-
Feb the 20th 2025— Thursdays report— Quiet here on the waterfront- morning’s light fog fell back towards the sea- left a hazy sky. Light wind from the south, feels cool from the water at 56-57 degrees
One tide today— Diurnal tideUN
Light winds, becoming W 5 to 10 kt in the afternoon. Seas 2 to 3 ft. Wave Detail: W 3 ft at 14 seconds. Patchy dense fog. Vsby 1 NM or less.
W wind 5 to 10 kt in the evening, becoming light. Seas 2 to 3 ft. Wave Detail: W 3 ft at 13 seconds. Patchy dense fog in the evening. Patchy dense fog after midnight. Vsby 1 NM or less.
Light winds, becoming W 5 to 10 kt in the afternoon. Seas 2 to 3 ft. Wave Detail: W 3 ft at 13 seconds. Patchy dense fog in the morning with vsby 1 NM or less.
NW wind 5 to 10 kt. Seas 3 to 5 ft. Wave Detail: W 4 ft at 9 seconds.
Light winds, becoming W 5 to 10 kt in the afternoon. Seas 3 to 4 ft. Wave Detail: W 4 ft at 9 seconds.
Couple of yachts traveling- both towards the US and away from it- heading to a warmer climate.
Local party boat fishing — fish count—2/18/, Boat- Western Pride 33 anglers- 1/2 Day - 130 Sculpin
Another nice day — fog held off the coastline- -
Feb the 19th 2025—-Wednesday Light fog and a hazy sky above- wind light from the south 2- 3 kts- seas okay- some west swell 4 ft 14 sec
Whalers still hopeful of seeing the migrations of Gray whales— one would guess most of their travels are to the outer waters- only 26 have been seen along our inner waters so far this season.
Boy— what a nice day it turned out to be— glassed off towards the early afternoon- sun shinning and pleasant day- but still very quiet on the radio— and only a few smaller boats in and out of the harbor- some yachts traveling around bay cruising- I’d guess-
Nice sunset today—-Altocumulus clouds 7,000 - 23,000 ft
Feb the 18th 2025—- Mild cloud cover light haze seaward- wind light from the south 2=5 kts— slight texture on the water -swells 2-4 ft west 14 sec- Tides to flatten out this week towards Thursdays as a one tide day— Waters cold at 57 degrees-fog expected? we’ll see
Forecasters say a set of large swells headed our way later this week —
Run-off rain and it’s host of chemicals and what-nots to the ocean, bays and harbors- add some sunshine and will start to see a lot more growth of that green algae and moss to return over the next month- stand by- boat cleaners_
Quiet on the radio today— very quiet -A couple of Fin-back whales were working their way up the coastline— elusive too- dolphins - not many of em-
Tomorrows a better day—
Closed on Mondays— raked up a lot of leaves!
Sunday’s Report- Feb the 16th— Pale blue sky this morning hazy high clouds , coastal waters— light south wind- seas still looks to have a bump in them-
Whalers in search or whales or anything this morning —seeing lots of birds and only one hide and seek gray sneaking down the coastline-
Bird schools were up at that slack high tide this morning-=slack tide at 10:51 —birds up 10:50
looking at the bay waters this morning reminds one of a cesspool- yet there were dozens of folks out fishing in it- so be it wish them luck. A friend of mine , after a rain storm would fish the bays with night-crawlers- did great with em, the bass were gobbling up almost anything that looked eatable - and those worms really wiggled in the salt water!
Nice day of it— wind turned light from the west -seas started to flatten out— tides starting to mellow out— wouldn’t be surprised if a Broadbill Swordfish showed up along the coastline- it’s time- good luck!
Synopsis: La Niña conditions are expected to persist in the near-term, with a transition to ENSO-neutral likely during March-May 2025 (66% chance)
Catalina fishing backside Palisades- area— lots of short halibuts -a few calicos-fair fishin’ mackerel and sardines around- nice crossings
Saturday Feb the 15th 2025— moving right along before you know it it’ll be Spring— lets hope—
Whalers still off Dana chasing dolphins— not many Gray Whales so far this year— thought is they are migrating southwards outside the Channel and Catalina and Clements islands—
Bay and harbor waters look even dirtier today than yesterday— probably not good to fish the bays for a few days— the fish are there- staying near the bottom where there’s not as much floating/surface fresh water
Risso’s Whales ( squid feeders) off Abalone point 30/ 52 — and maybe a Humpback whale off Newport Canyon— 11 am
the Risso’s were elusive— later in the day lots of birds showed up 1/2 between Dana and the 14
Okay weather— wind stayed good for the day-
Feb the 14 Valentines Day—— Friday again- clearing west weather with 25/ 30kts expected later this afternoon Small Craft Warning still in effect-
Bay and harbor waters look like brown stained coffee this morning—not clean nor is it healthy for a few days, till that saltwater environment does it’s job.
solid westerly today— gonna drop the water temps even more— I’d guess-
Sailors having a good day of it—
have a good weekend— Happy Valentines Day—
Thursdays report Feb the 13 2025— still light rain and clouds, more expected this afternoon- then it’ll pass- South wind fair + Small Craft advisory today- one smaller open boat and a sportfishing party boat headed out , Dana? sloppy rides for them- VHF radio weather report advises boaters to stay in safe harbor
Still more sanding on the varnish for the bamboo rods today- need more varnish- Bookkeeping and a few older reels to look into
the small open boat came back in— Harbor Patrol and Harbor Master boats making their rounds-
Well the good or bad news is this may be the last major rain for the winter season— _ gonna be a dry summer- stand by—
—- Wed’s Feb the 12 2025 Drizzly day- rain tonight clearing wind behind all this-Small Craft wind from the south/southeast- gray sky -light drizzle -Seas 5-7 W 7 sec -tides still strong , adding rain water back-up and full tide tomorrow morning then strong draining tide will wash out all sorts of things— yikes—
Winter time rainy day projects- finish up with another 4 bamboo rods handles to be varnished, a old wooden butt section to be refurbished, stained and varnished. four smaller Shimano reels will need service. Start a new light tackle 3 thread bamboo rod with a casting grip- will be a fun little rod when finished.
-Tuesdays Feb the 11th 2025, Cloudy with a chance or rain tonight-more later this week- seas-surf report guy this morning said it was chunky- S /E wind and mostly a west swell- chunky- Salt Creek was the best place to surf- nice beach for surf-fishing too-
Strong tide swings today— quakes?? should have been yesterday- so were safe for now
Water temps 57-57 degrees
Westerly blew in— Whalers were quiet today— mainly working down towards Dana and below from there—
Next Friday Valentines day— don’t forget!
Closed on Monday-! Yard and garden work with grandson #2
Sunday— Feb the 9th it’s suppose to be a day of rest—so far looks like it-= very few boats out- ah but the Super Bowl is this afternoon- it’ll get really quiet then-
Whalers report a Gray off Abalone heading towards Laguna- seeing lots of bait along the drop-off- Bottle necks too
Again good to see the kids in the shop today talking fish talk and showing photos of caught fish—
a School of Striped bass seen here in the harbor busting up some surface smelt in the back bay
Hope it’s a close game—ha! JD
—- Sat Feb the 8th —- Nice morning— great mix of clouds above- from low to 20,000 ft! yikes
Whale Ho— just saw it blow — off Abalone point— looked lie it was headed in towards the beach— fleets on it— Dolphins between the 267 and 14 half way out
much better traveling today as that swell subsiding-
Couple boats heading to Avalon yesterday early reported — “get you tuna feathers out” seeing what probably were bonito as they neared the island.
28/ over 53— lots of baby dolphins here— the size of footballs- pretty cool— 11:38
Good to see the kids (teenagers) in the shop today— discussing between each other how to catch fish- from the bass, rays to leopard and shovel nosed sharks , bat rays and horned sharks - where to go and what to use— showing each other phone captured photos . fishermen
wind light from the south 2 3 kts
———- Friday again—Feb the 7 2025 cloudy and drizzle rain- cool- swells from the west developing as that front clears out- Small Craft forecasted
Tides again in their flood and ebb as the moon fills
Whalers finding a few scattered dolphins outside Dana- 25/44 good sized west swells out there now— One gray in the morning hours traveled south another one mid afternoon reported off Laguna- heading south too-
Westerly cleared out the area leaving a cloudy wind swept sky afterwards-
couple of guys from Australia were in the shop today showing me photos of their Kingeys, ( Yelllowtail) and a 40lb Murray Cod— looked like a White Sea Bass to me-
Weather looks okay-fair for the weekend— have fun— JD
Nice sunset
Thursdays report—Feb 6th Gray sky light drizzle if you could call it rain? wind light to fair out of the south- drizzly rain— couple boats headed out the harbor this morning— yacht heading south , skipjack headed to Dana— looks like they’ve got a bumpy ride south- wind and sea right in their face-
Not a whole lot going on— couple of rubber boat whalers going out- looks like they’ve got a cold damp ride in front of them-
They say there’s lots of bait schooling out front of Avalon these days— anchovies, and small sardines
Repair work today on six penn Fathom 40’s fast retrieve 7.1 .1 nice big drags and good bearings , nice reels—
Wed’s report Feb the 5th - Overcast light sprinkles w clearing sky- wind soft from the south 3 4 kts seas okay west swell- some southwind chop in there-
Whalers with their guest-running up and down the coastline looking for baleen
Turns out to be a really nice day— Only a few boats came back in the harbor today coastal fishing- should improve given all the bait that’s there- Late afternoon clouds grayed the skies . light drizzle for the night
Feb the 4th 2025- Tuesdays and a bit of rain forecasted- cooler too—
Good send off for Bill this past Sunday— good friends and good stories - thanks— JD
The day went well wind mostly from the south small craft coming up as the western sky clouds up this afternoon-
Reports of good surf-fishing along the southern OC beaches Corbina, striped bass and the perches and even smaller White Sea Bass— !
Closed Sunday and Monday—
Sunday Feb 2nd — morning a thick layer of fog developed along the coastlines— by early mid morning it left- leaving a light west behind- seas okay- but cold at 58 degrees
We’re off to see Billy to the fishing grounds and sunny beaches and warm surf - Rest in peace -
Sat Feb the 1st- 2025— Nice day so far— hazy blue/white day- wind light from the west midday- seas okay- lots of folks out and about-
Whaler— off Surf and Sand— Laguna— I’ve got a — ton of dolphins 31/ 48 12:09
Nice day—- JD no killers spotted— but lots of private boats out looking—- dolphins 1/2 between Dana and the 267
Friday again! Jan the 31st—and here we go into February- Light cloud cover today- wind from the west light to fair- 3-6 kts seas look okay with a small west swell/wind chop , Tides still moving about strong-
3 miles we’ve got probably 100 dolphins , commons headed your way- towards Laguna— 27 / 47—- Orca’s out there too ————-Yikes!
29/ 48 humpback whale
that wind turned solid 12 out of the west- it’ll chill the water -
Have a great weekend— JD
The Celebration of Life for Bill Seiler was on Sunday Feb 2nd— at 12 noon for going out the harbor to #2 ( just below the harbor) and back to the BAC at 2 pm for the Celebration of his life—
Thursdays report—Jan 30th - Cloudy and a bit warmer— nice day- wind light from the west— rain expected Tue and Wed of next week— Tides are strong with the New Moon yesterday , tides running out close to 3 kts - Lots of green algae growth on the bays bottom.
Whalers report a Gray whale off laguna Surf and Sand, dolphins too
What light wind we had looks to be backing off mid day— nice out there now— freshened a little from the west towards the setting sun-
looked like a couple of skiffs were out- must have been bass fishing judging by their light tackle rods and reels - should have been good-
JD’s will be closed on Wed— sorry— back Thursday JD
— Tuesdays Report Jan the 28 th cloudy and cool- water temps 54 to 58 degrees, wind from the southeast, fair at 5-12 kts seas look bumpy
Building tides as the New Moon approaches
Whalers and dolphners were off Main Beach Laguna today-
And the push to stop the restriction of take of Sand Bass is being sought after by the angling community - the Size Limit restrictions has already helped , no other restrictions are needed.
Closed on Mondays yard work and flew a kite with granddaughter- good kite weather
Sunday- Jan 26th — Football day— Rainy and cloudy, wind from the south 5-10 kts- seas look a gray/green and slate colored, not many folks out boating yet— sailors maybe-
Better luck next time! JD
Jan the 25—Sat Mother Nature played a trick on us— warm and sunny one day— cooler and breezy from the south the next - wind 12- 15 kts’ south/southeast , seas a bit choppy - a few boats out — bay cruising- or sailboats
Been working on a series of light weight one piece Bamboo rods, known as Six Thread tackle, supporting 16 lb test cable-twisted linen threads , w/ light weight cork grips, older Varmac chromed reel seats and gimbels. Today’s projects to finish up with the other Six- Thread two-piece rods w/ wooden butts and cork grips. Next up the series of Nine Thread Rods
At least we’ve got some football to watch tomorrow— go Dodgers!
Jan the 24th Another nice day—an Friday too- almost looks like a summer day- a few lingering clouds on the horizon, seas look calm and blue— but still cold ant 58 degrees
Several boats heading to the island today taking advantage of the weather while they can-
you can bet— if there’s much rainfall this weekend, enough to wash out the streets and gutters inland the harbors and bays will get dirty— and maybe nasty too- JD
Nice day— several military boats about today— coastguard- border patrol, etc.
Good luck - JD
Jan the 23rd 2025— Pale Blue sky this morning- nice and warm- wind if any is from the Southeast 1 kts due to turn later , seas looks calm and travelable- even a couple of hardy anglers out today in search of Broadbill Swordfish— well why not- -
Nice weather—- !! go fishin!
Jan the 23 rd 2025— Wed’s and a calm morning— morning high hazy cloud cover— wind if any is from the west/southwest 2 kts at best— seas calm for now - tides are mellow today only one morning high and a mid day low then a steady climb after that- -
IGFA has their Annual International Auction started Jan 21- till Jan the 26th— Great items to bid on —exotic fishing resorts from around the world, fishing gear and clothing— even 24 thread Linen Fishing line from JD’s !!
Jan the 21st— one month after the shortest day back in Dec the 21- sun comes up two minutes later, but sets 25 minutes later, net 23 minutes of sunshine. nice day
Having a fishing shop for 47+ years or so- you have learned of some “Tricks” from Captains and other anglers— - Yesterday John Beady and his wife Judi dropped by the shop in their walk, along with them was another older captain— Eric Garland, aka “Lefty”. 45-46 years ago Lefty, had passed along one of the “Secrets” to me that he had learned from Ted Naftzger of Broadbill fame, -
shorting the barb on the hooks point, quicker to bury and take hold. When Eric came in the shop yesterday, I quickly remembered the hook and idea he’s had shown me years ago- and being the pack-rat that I am on tackle- up on the rack was that same hook!, puling it down and showing him it- he say’s Naftzer had taught him that- same hook ! good memories for us both-
Change in Plans!!! Celebration of Life for Bill Seiler has been changed to the following Sunday— no use going out when the weather was bad— Billy wouldn’t like it either— now it’s Feb the 2nd , 12 noon for going out the harbor to #2 ( just below the harbor) and back to the BAC at 2 pm for the Celebration of his life—pass the word!
A change in weather clouding up to the west—
Closed on Mondays, Boat cleaning and yard work and a beer
——— Jan the 19th 2025— cold this morning— light overcast’ , wind light from the south- 2 3 kts—
Bay fishing- Jack smelt— turbots and small bass-so far—
Cooler westerly this afternoon kept the action down— a bunch of kayackers were fishing the bay - not sure if the caught much -
better fishing ahead— winter time is a time of rest for the fishes
Sat Jan the 18th— January weather- cool nights a few morning clouds- clearing sky- wind light from the south seas Okay- still some bump and small chop with it— Tides having mellowed out-
Celebration of Life
Change in Plans!!! Celebration of Life for Bill Seiler has been changed to the following Sunday — no use going out when the weather was bad— Billy wouldn’t like it either— now it’s Feb the 2nd , 12 noon for going out the harbor to #2 ( just below the harbor) and back to the BAC at 2 pm for the Celebration of his life—pass the word!
Celebration of Life, Potluck, and Refreshments
Lots of folks out and about walking dogs, babies, more boats active in the harbor today- Whale watching boats loaded to the gunnels—
Nice day with reports of better bass fishing this morning— Art reefs above Newport held a few nice sized sand bass- 3 -4 lbs
waters still cold at 57-58 degrees -
better luck tomorrow- as that High pressure begins - stand by— maybe someone will go out and catch a swordfish- - JD
And it’s Friday again— Jan the 17th, and above clouds , good to see em, Strong wind from the south- cloudy skies, . had to go drive up to Santa Ana this morning to pick up T Shirts- —what a blessing it is to come back over the hill and see the ocean- - looks a bit rough out there today- darker blue and ruffled-
Forecasters— say a maybe chance of rain by the end of the month we need it—
And out of Dana this morning anglers toughing it out were rewarded with a good variety of fish- bass, halibuts etc.
Thursdays Report- Jan the 16 2025— Again Clear blue sky again— a few lower level clouds hanging about- wind is from the south fair- 4-9 kts- seas fair with a small chop to it- with a west swell- waters sparkly and cold at 56 degrees- made 4 cast off the dock this morning- one bite- small bass I’d guess shook itself off the hook
Catch of the day— customers fishing off the local balboa pier at night were catching sculpin ! that’s it—
Weds met the Tax account- doesn’t look like we made a whole lot for 24- but the working conditions here are fine JD
Tuesdays report Jan the 14th and the weeks go by quickly these days— Clear sky with a light Santa Ana wind 2-5 kts from the southeast this morning— seas good- light wind ripple on it— westerly to develop later today - water temps 56 degrees-
Long day— tax account meeting tomorrow— Yikes!
Closed on a Monday and next Wed too -JD — Spent some time with Grandson #2, fished the back bay at low low tide— all we got were very muddy feet!
Sundays Jan the 12 2025- Clearing blue sky- mild Santa Ana’s ocean okay- boats not venturing too far offshore before it got too windy to get back to the beach. then the west blew i— otherwise a nice day
again not much said in the way of fishing although there were dozens of boats out-
Saturdays Jan the 11 2025—- Hazy blue sky— wind light from the south 3-6 kts light wind ripple on the waters seas OKay , lots of folks out and about—
Relief from the LA fires have brought many to here in OC and Newport - better weather, better atmosphere and maybe some time on the water to aid oneself.
Strong tides this weekend-
Quite a few skiffs out today — looks like bass fishing tournament with weigh in towards 1 pm- with many boats out today- lots of family outings
Friday and a long week it’s been— Jan the 10th 2025— Clear and blue sky for the most part- light southwest wind - more later today- seas okay waters clear— small 3/4 inch fry seen on abundance in the shallows of the bay waters- life—
San Clemente Island looks open for this weekend, but weather forecasted is not the best—-best wait for another day—
Have a good weekend— JD
Thursday’s Jan the 9th Report— A better day today- still a terrible day yesterday- maybe some relief coming today -
Morning light haze towards the south- offcolored sky towards the west- light south wind maybe 2-6 kts- seas good water’s very clear with the cold nights,
some shortbeaked dolphins off Laguna 28/48
Today’s El Nino report— it looks better— with the passing of the La Nina phase- going towards neutral at least- maybe the next report hints at a El Nino ? EL NIÑO/SOUTHERN OSCILLATION (ENSO)DIAGNOSTIC DISCUSSIONissued
ENSO Alert System Status: La Niña Advisory
Synopsis: La Niña conditions are present and are expected to persist through February-April 2025 (59% chance), with a transition to ENSO-neutral likely during March-May 2025 (60% chance).
La Niña conditions emerged in December 2024 and were reflected in below-average sea surface temperatures (SSTs) across the central and east-central equatorial Pacific Ocean . Subsurface cooling in the equatorial Pacific Ocean strengthened significantly with below-average temperatures dominating the central and eastern equatorial Pacific Ocean Low-level wind anomalies were easterly over the western and central Pacific, while upper-level wind anomalies were westerly over the central and eastern Pacific. Convection was suppressed over the Date Line and was enhanced over Indonesia The traditional and equatorial Southern Oscillation indices were positive. Collectively, the coupled ocean-atmosphere system indicated La Niña conditions.
The dynamical models predicts slightly cooler SST anomalies with La Niña persisting through February early spring before transitioning to ENSO-neutral.
Weds Jan the 8th 2025— Notice something later in the day? - the days are getting longer by a minute each day now—
Still that strange Santa Ana weather with cloud cover mixed with the strong winds, nice sunrise though— maybe the worst of it is over by now—
Sad News, saw this on Facebook—
Wylie’s Bait and Tackle is a total loss due to the southern California wildfires. Wiley ‘s Bait and Tackle has been a part of Southern California Sportfishing since 1946.
Only the boat cleaners and the harbor patrol moving around the harbor today
Hope for a better day tomorrow—
Tuesdays report Jan the 7th and a strange Santa Ana wind with a cloud cover , Northeast strong for the next couple of days— Not many boaters out the Whale waters were out though.- then came in early— Barge workers and such on the radio.
Canvas workers stand by!
Closed on Mondays— Yard work, leaves and Rats!
Sunday Jan the 5th 2025- Again a better weather day- warming sun and light south wind 1-3 kts seas calm- Several boats out this morning— skiffs fishing the Art reefs north of the harbor and a few south along the weeds
Nice Day!! with the improved weather and with things seeming to have settled down for a while it’s a little better fishing— the Art reefs up the line gave up a couple more sand bass, sculpin , San dab’s and whitefish for the party boats- Still no reported White Sea bass catches locally- it’s January!
Next weeks Strong Santa Ana’s— Tue- Wed and Thursday- Stand by—!!
Jan the 4th Saturday and the year 2025— Much better weather here on the beach this morning- not so damn cold with that south wind , still south this morning 2-4 kts but a warmer day - and some sunshine- seas still cold-coastline influenced by land breeze and shallow water it’s 55-56 degrees- further out to sea- 2-3 miles it’s up to 59 degrees, still cold.
This time of year where the bottom dwellers are- staying close to whatever structure there is, fish finders/grafts really help to define where it’s best to fish-reported good grumpy sand bass 4-5 -6 lbs found in the 80-100 ft depth off the HB flats,
Well another Whale ( Gray) was seen today heading south off Laguna, in shallow 100 ft depth- (30/47) maybe it’s a sign of more to come in their yearly migration- late this year- past times Oct and November and into Dec they headed south.
Jan the 3rd 2025- Friday again- seems like a different day with the Holidays mid week-Coastal fog and cold 5-10 kts wind from the south with it— water must be in the low 50s ,
Whale watchers reported a Mega Pod of Common Dolphins — must be 5,000 of them ( reported) heading south at around 7 1/2 mph- currently at 33/51 outside Crystal Cove along the 1,000 ft dropoff- ( 3-4 miles off the shoreline) visibility much better today with some fog- 11 am
Strong draining tide again today, mellows out this weekend-
That dolphins stayed off laguna 3-5 miles not as many as previously saw before, a Gray whale
Jan the 2nd 2025! - Morning thick fog on the beaches— clearing weather from inland pushing the white fog towards the sea. Strong tides draining out maybe 3 kts-
`Couple of kids in the shop this morning proudly showing off their good sized Jack Smelt that had caught - going home to fry it up! !!
Fog plagued the coastline today- damp and cool- welcome to 2025!
Closed New Years day- might go fishin! Foggy morning- Started at Abalone pt 8 am tossed plastics for a while, saw three swimmers rounding the point- out for their New Year’s Day morning swim - waters cold at 58 degrees- Yikes— caught one small bonito and some Spanish macks for bait. Slow rowed/ drifted in the currents for halibuts, no bites, only small octopus attached themselves to the baits and the sinkers, ? worked up to the Reef, in and out and round it with the baits, no bites more octopuses, up to Billy’s spot for a another couple of hours of slow rowing around, enjoyable - good excersize ,hazy sun came out and light west came down- 7 hrs of rowing/ no bites came home, arms and shoulders sore- JD Happy New year-
— Tuesdays Dec the 31st the End is Near!! still deary weather - overcast light drizzle, wind light from the south 3-4 ft swell from the west- almost foggy but not quite there yet-
Happy New Year!
Strong Tides again— Quakes??? stand by
Coastal fishing slow— a few few whitefish- yuck and a sculpin or two- But a New Year is at hand- whats to come- ?
One of the last reports from ENSO Alert System was a La Niña Watch Synopsis: La Niña is most likely to emerge in October-December 2024 (57% chance) and is expected to persist through January-March 2025. cooler weather- just what we need-
Overall I’s guess to say 2024 was an below average season for fishing- waters remained cool and no quantities or variety of fish moved into our local waters- the Bluefin stayed pretty much to the outside waters, no Yellowtails other than the outer islands- no dorado, the Marlins were only here in fair number and left quick, the remaining large 400 lb + Swordfish were caught—there’s not many them left now- smaller gamefish, schools of barracuda, bonitos or even mackerels were not here to any concentration and no great numbers of local White Sea bass only the Halibuts from the upper islands
We’ve lost too many close friends and acquaintances
Closed on Mondays
Sundays Report— gloomy day Dec the 29th stayed gloomy all day- no wind gloomy sky
Saturdays Dec the 28 2024— the End is near!!
Still overcast light wind maybe 2- 4 kts south- seas calm with that cross lump still there. Still no rain- made 4 cast off the dock, one bite, one nibble-
Not may boats out so far— a few small skiffs headed out early- that’s been it so far— Dolphins off Main Beach Laguna 2-3 off the beach-
Starting to feel like January -
Friday again Dec the 27th the year of 2024— soon to end— the end is Near!
Overcast cloudy and cooler- light drizzle No rain so far!—
Total Rainfall in So. Calif —-
July 1 to Dec 26 To Date Average
Long Beach 0.04 12.02
Fullerton 0.03 11.86
Irvine 0.01 11.18
Oceanside 0.02 11.86
Billy’s Wahoo!
— Long day of rod works today— finished up with epoxying 6 light tackle bamboo rods with gimbals, corks rear grips, reel seats and cork foregrip,— all straight and correct— should be fun rods when finished , 6 more tomorrow -I hope— JD
Dolphins off Abalone Pt 33/ 51 — got chased away by something??
Thursdays Dec the 26th report— Cloudy with a high overcast sky- wind is light to fair from the south 5-7 kts seas have a mix to them, small wind chop from the South meeting a lumpy sea from the west. Due to blow stronger from the west this afternoon
Lots of Searwaters outside Laguna 5- 7 off the beach .
wind freshened mid day then backed off at sunset- we’ve gained a minutes of sun today- no fish reported
Closed Christmas day —
Christmas Eve-/Day Dec the 24th! Cloudy and cold- it’s suppose to rain this afternoon /evening— light wind this morning from the south- there’s a west swell coming through the Catalina/ PV window other than that good traveling for the morning hours now Windy this afternoon—
Sealife 4-5 miles off Abalone Pt. 30.9/ 54.6 , birds and dolphins and a fin back whale spotter there- 11:01
Closed on Mondays— JD
Sundays and that day of Rest- Dec the 22nd 2024 And January 25 is a little over a week from now! New Years resolutions and all- ! High clouds cooler weather- light southwest wind 2-4 kts seas calm- nice day on the water no reported fog- Catalina Island out there on a glassy sea.
Whale watchers report not much below the harbor a few Bottlenosed Dolphins up off the Newport Canyon, seas stayed good all day— some marine clouds sunset-
Rock cods and whitefish kept the partyboats active- and below newport those who have some live bait ( caught themselves) of from Dana- found the bass bite better-
Dec the 21st- Saturday and a foggy day at that— pea soupy early thinning out towards late morning hours allowing those boats without radar to head out. Cold wind along with the fog— The day got better as the fog left- light west wind put a small chop on the water- water temps 57-59 - not much said on the radio or from those returning back in with glowing fish reports- a single large 4 lb sand bass up at the Pipe , and a Gray Whale was spotted heading south— maybe that’s a sign of more to come.
Good luck if you; get out tomorrow- JD
Happy Holidays—
Dec the 20th Fridays report- Yikes only a couple of more days till Christmas, the End of the Year , the New Year and Winter Solstice.
Foggy and lingering into the late mid-morning hours. Only a few boats out- seas calm light south wind 2 -3 kts Building swell from the west by this weekend— Stand by
up ahead of us-Whalers watching for birds these days — I see splashing he says— outside Laguna 27/48
Holidays shoppers into the shop- Sweatshirts and T’s, a few stocking stuffers and a nice saltwater small spinning rod and reel for a young boy- a hat for Mom and a lure for Dad.
Weather keep calm might be that fog again although dosen’t look like it at sunset- 4:48— tomorrow the 21st it sets at 4:49 Yippy!
Thursday’s report- Dec 19 2024- Blue sky’s again after the nighttime fog— thick in places- some very high clouds -coastal waters calm- maybe 1-3 kts from the south- water temps -mostly under 60 degrees-
26/ 57 dolphins— 1/2 way between the 14 and Dana/Laguna out 5-7 miles
Looked like it might get a little foggy this evening- Drone show off the Balboa Pier 6:15 and 8:15 during the Christmas boat parade
Wed’s Dec the 18 th 2024- Days are short! nights are long — soon to change- Clear blue sky this morning, light marine haze seaward- light wind from the south 2-3 kts ,seas look great-no swell , tides are starting to back off now that were on the back side of the moon- sunset today 4:48 pm ( the earliest sunset of this year was back on Nov 30 Sat at 4:44pm )
Whale watchers happy to find a few dolphins near the harbor entrances and within a couple miles of it— otherwise it looks like a beautiful desert out there- so far— 12 noon- tight to the beach off Laguna a few bottlenosed dolphins and there was a reported sighting of Orca’s somewhere??
Ya know it’s So. Calif Christmas weather when gals are out paddle boarding around the bay in swimsuits ! What wind there was backed off to dead calm- seas flattened even more- Nice
Newport’s Christmas Boat Parade tonight Yikes! looks like there’ll be a lots of family and friends down at the beaches— Enjoy-
Happy Holidays— JD
Tuesdays Dec the 17th— it’s marching right along!— cool morning hours- high clouds above, white marine haze seaward- seas okay- light S/w wind 2 -4 kts-
Made three casts— three bites missed them all- outgoing tide-
Not much in the way of sealife seen off out local waters— Desert one of the whale watchers said— a Finback was spotted mid morning 29/ 49 outside Dana- sunk out and I think they lost sight of it- quite a few birds around flying- might be squid , 14 minutes before it came up again, 1/2 mile uphill, it’s course being plotted by the watchers to get a second glimpse of it- came up again 7 minutes later traveling in the same course. other times upwards to 20 minutes - a lot of watching water for a quick look- otherwise really a nice day out there today
More tomorrow- Happy Holidays— JD
Closed on Mondays— might go Christmas shopping! Yikes! Yardwork and went to the movies with grand kids—
— Sundays and the day of rest— Dec the 15th- morning clear sky except seaward it’s a white haze — 2- 4 kts of wind from the southwest- seas calmed- tides strong- Christmas shoppers everywhere- a few boaters out— looking for the bottoms fishes— basses halibuts sculpin etc, -
The whales were out towards the 14 Mile Bank dolphins too
This time Next Sunday the days will begin to get longer!!! Yippee!
Saturday Dec the 14 2024- Light cloud cover some stuff north of us- building clouds by this afternoon wind light from the west/southwest 3 5 kts- seas still and a mix in them— Tides running out strong today- at almost 3 kts and In this afternoon at 2 kts-
Dolphins up off Newport this morning— 2-4 miles off the beach— must be some bait up there- sardines, squid?
yet another nice December day— Dry December—- no rain still on the cool side
Friday Dec the 13th— Friday the 13th Yikes!! and a Full moon to boot- Stand by! Skies have some leftover clouds above, below -seas have a leftover short West swell, light to fair wind from the south- some mix to the seastate- seasickness stuff-
The bait barge here in Newport is not there for the rest of the season, it’s due back in the Spring- anglers here have to rely on making their own or go down to Dana- or up to Long Beach for it.
Whale watchers, seeing bird pile ups off Abalone Point about a hundred dolphin in the area 30/ 51 - 2-3 miles off the beach- along that drop-off-
Today’s work, the Antique stuff- Edward Vom Hofe 621’s, 2 of the 7 roller bearing missing? and a Bronson Cox 4/0
Turns out to be a okay day— wind turned light from the west 2-4 kts sea’s backed down— whale watchers were chasing a humpback and some fishers who were out after Lingcods— looking for mackerels or jacksmelts for bait-
Have a fun weekend— JD
Dec 12th 2024 Building cloud-cover from the west- light wind from the south being drawn into the approaching low front— Time for a Thursday nite football game and a warming fireplace.
Strong tides this weekend with Water temps 58 degrees— Penguins spotted! Yikes!
dreary day ,
Dec the 11 2024 Weds High overcast sky- cool weather calm seas-Quiet on the western front-
Gale warnings for the Sea of Cortez Stand By— ( see warning->)
Gulf of California Gale Warning -strong to gale force N to NW winds through the entire length of the Gulf of California and seas of 10 to 12 ft. Strong NE gap winds are also occurring across most of the Baja Peninsula, spilling into the Pacific waters of Sebastian Vizcaino Bay and southwest of Punta Eugenia, as well as offshore of Punta Abreojos
Sportfishers heading uphill from the down south tuna grounds—watchfull of the weather— Red Rooster III just below Turtle this morning—
Cabo report from Aaron G—
“Merry Christmas, hope all is well.
Here's a quick Cabo report for you, just got back. Marlin fishing is real good off of Los Arcos. Fish are not showing behind the boat or on the surface, so metering bait balls and drifting baits over them has been the ticket. My son Jack (12) had a 5 fish day.
The dorado seem to have disappeared. Some wahoo up the line from the golden gate to Cerritos zone. The tuna is hit and miss offshore with the porpoise schools approximately 15-30 miles off the beach. Some big models around.
Anyway, a good time as always with family and friends old and new.”
~Aaron G.
Local whale watchers—- report——— nothing— traveling 35 miles to finally fine a few dolphins— up and down from Newport to Dana- and out to the rigs—- nothing so far today— empty ocean— later in the day they found a humpback came up after the low slack tide today- then went down
tomorow’s a another day—
Dec the 10 th 2024 , clear and clean crisp morning air- light marine seaward wind light from the west seas calm- there’s a lump from the west every so often-seas 2-4 ft , building tides as the Full Moon approaches
Vessels traveling up or down the Baja peninsula have winds coming down the Gulf and spilling over the low lands, pushing seawards 25- 30 kts+— Yikes !
Newport beach was a very find day here today- a offshore whales and some dolphins kept the whales watchers happy fishing still on the slow side—
Closed on Monday- Took the skiff out after cleaning the build up green stuff off the bottom, waters cold at 55 and green- 50 +casts no bites- came home and put up Christmas lights!
Sat and Sunday Dec the 7 & 8th— both nice days— stil on the cool side but nice— weather’s held calm- light south on Sunday- seas holding cold at 55 degrees here locally- not much going on— small halibuts and a few smaller bass-
Dec the 6th 2024— Morning thick fog— by noon most of it should have gone away- Santa Ana’s this evening- coastal waters cold and 60 degrees and dead calm so far—
T/C having their Christmas lunches — Steve L is the guest speaker— should be good—
Thursdays report—Dec 5 th - Gray and cool— no wind foggy sky seas calm— not much said on the radio these days— a few whalers and some dock/ cargo ships loading or unloading with instructions for garbage collection or inspectors on board-
Whalers out at 20/ 43.4 inside the 267 Fathom spot outside Dana— 11:16
7.2 Quake off Northern Calif— Yikes!
Sun briefly showed itself here on the beach today— that was it— damp most of the day— not much said on the VHF, spent the day finishing up working on those 4 Penn Senators 10/0’s— replaced bridges, screws, rings, drags, side plates, they’re work horses, turns out the guy who uses them is in Indonesia on a remote island , has a ranch house overlooking an crescent bay of bleached white sand , a curl of surf off one corner of the cove, a deep cut through the reef on the other side- chock full of wahoo- which is where the 12/0’s come in- I’m fishing there vicariously . JD
—— Wed’s Report- Dec the 4th 2024 Light overcast— no wind seas calm- tides still up and down
Table fair — Rock cods from the 14 — mainly small ones - but still tasty - all their meat/ tissue expands as it comes up from the deep water. Tenderizes ‘s it.
When that sun sets the air temps drop like a rock!
Tuesdays report- Dec the 3rd 2024 — Only twenty more days till the days begin to get longer — Scattered clouds above- wind light to fair out of the south/southeast 3-7 kts seas okay some mix of small wind chop and west swell
-Coastal fishing still fair on the basses- other’s are filling their sacks with San Dabs!
Not much in the way of hole heads reported so far— what sealife there was was at 20/53 ( just below the 14) -Whale feeding in a wide circle chasing bait—
Bay and coastal waters clear visibility- with the cooler nights and calm waters — if you can see the fish—- they’ve already seen you—
Calm day on the waterfront—
Closed on Mondays— yard work and took the grandkids and dog to the beach
Sundays report Dec the 1st— time to start thinking about the Last and the First Fish of the Year—- Nice morning weather again- a few high clouds above- light south wind 2 4 kts seas calm- very calm-
Christmas gift giving times ahead— Custom built six- sided split-cane Tonkin Bamboo rods- in Light, Med and Heavy Tackle strengths- Available at JD’s
Another calm day here on the waterfront— we are blessed here in So Calif. not much rain, no snow , no bugs, and mostly sunny.
Whalers report seeing a dozens of small sunfish under the kelps , sometimes they’ll take small sabkai rigs and the jump!
Saturday and the end of November- 2024- Wind light from the south/southeast 2 4 kts— a few lingering clouds overhead- tides are strong- waters still on the cool side of 60 not much wind to disturb it for a while.
Nice day to take the relatives from back East out for a boat ride— some dolphins off Laguna 3 -4 miles seas and vista are good. outside to 29.4 / 50.4
Good luck tomorrow if you get out— JD
Should be another nice sunset this afternoon
Friday Nov the 29th 2024— Overcast and cooler a bit of rain on the horizon—
Black Friday—
Several boats out— lots of folks out and about— walking biking etc, some bay movements
Dead calm out there today— - whalers seeing dolphins and a humpback halfway between Dana and the 14 12:57
The bay— having many family’s together— the fathers and grandfathers taking the kids to the public docks to fish, drop lines and bag on anchovies and they’re on their way.
Nice sunset—
Have fun this weekend— JD
Thanksgivings day— Closed
Wed’s report, Nov the 27th the year 2024- Soupy fog on the beach this morning — in spots, other areas nice and sunny- winds light from the west, Seas okay
Whalers looking for sealife- seals, dolphins etc, foggy out there too- Dolphins at 20/ 50 they they were lost in the fog—
Happy Thanksgivings Day — JD
Closed this Thursday; Open Friday - Sunday
Tuesdays Report 11/26 24 Starting to feel like Fall and early winter now- leaves dropping, morning’s crisp and a few rain drops . wind light from the south - seas good- building clouds out west-
Inshore harbor and bay waters have seen a growth of that green algae again , mooring lines and boat bottoms turning green.
Three teenage boys in the shop today— having lost one of their prized casting lures here in the bay— small barracuda took it— they were after another similar lure , noticed one hanging on the wall of displayed old tackle - Yea you can have it— wasn’t doing any good on the wall. Out the door happy— going fishin!
Sky’s turned gray —cooler— only whale report of two humpbacks traveling south 29 /50
Closed on Mondays- House cleaning day-
Sundays Report 11/24 /24 Cloudy and sunny— and some fog- high clouds, low clouds and a clearing west wind to develop- Nice day— not much going on — JD
Sat — sorry no report
Fridays —- seems like we were just there?—Nov the 22 - Blue sky again- some frost on the rooftops-, coastal nice- whaler reports 6 outside Dana Pt ran into a wall of fog- 150 ft vis— haven’t seen much-
Old customer called up this morning, fishing the East Coast now for Stripers (Bass) was looking to purchase an old lure we had back on the 90’s , a Hand poured plastic bait that looked like a 6 “ sardine- said they were the dynamite! —- Sorry, no longer made , like so many other good ones - past history -
Well another nice day here in So Calif. wind stayed light from the west— kept the fog to the south of Newport- Whalers finally found a few dolphins- a herd of 20 marched by them-19/ 48 other than that quiet locally,, a few smaller skiffs came back in- bass tackle
Upcoming weekend weather looks Okay- get out early enjoy the day’s warmth and back in for the college football games
It’s that time of year when traveling sportfishers come up or go down from the Cape/ Mag Bay weather’s not the best at 12-15 kts N/W wind for most of the trip.
— Thursdays Nov 21 st 2024— Shortest days of the year still a month away- Cool again morning hours— sun helps as the day goes by- wind light from the west 5 kts seas okay, looks cold and a bit darker green this morning- tides starting to mellow out—
Whalers report thousands of dolphins off Laguna— couple to three miles out— 11:20
Again nice afternoon weather— those heading to the Island - should find some halibuts around the back side- maybe a tail or white Sea bass off Church— good luck—
Wed’s Report Nov 20th 2024—- Blue sky again— nice warmer that yesterday— nice here on the beach— light wind from the west/southwest 3 - 4 kts seas okay some swell there from the west— more coming—
Another quiet day on the western front— nice though— not much said from the whales watchers—
Tuesdays report—11/19th Pale blue sky with increasing clouds - wind light to fair as it comes out of the west- seas have a lot of textures on them, 3-5 swell out of the west
Coastal water temps cold- with a strong break running from the East end to San Diego
All quiet on the western front!
Closed on Mondays — Raked leaves and flew a kite with granddaughter on the beach- great fun— 6 years old’s always have fun!
Sunday— Nov 17th 2024— Nice! Azure Blue sky- seawards a little marine white haze— smooth seas- full moon’s morning’s tide , clear green-
Nice out there today— a converging of both dolphins and the Humpback whales towards the noon hours— 25.3/ 50.7 , half way between Dana and the 14 Mile bank—
They say there’s some thresher sharks around— have fun
—— Saturdays Nov he 16th—- Full Moon and tides are swinging strong—— Quakes— stand by— Clear morning air and the water temps have dropped to 54 degrees here in the harbor — waters gin clear-
Dolphin watchers—- Offshore glassy and no birds
David calls in with a Lobster report from Catalina’s West end where last Thursday before the Blow they had good hooping— not much current and 50ft worked out well for them, straight sardines as bait—
25.4/ 52.6— what was one or two whales turned into 5 or 6 —-they’re here with all those birds- tons of dolphins —lots of birds feeding— 3:01
Looks like there were a good number of smaller skiffs coming back into the harbor - smaller bass rods etc. making it an early day of it—
We’ll see what this next weeks weather and water conditions brings—- Squid off LB and Huntington , Laguna
Friday again—11/15 Blustery wind from the W/NW 15-20+ kts- clouds nice to see again, Ocean has a lot of sheep on it— Tides are Strong- both coming and going—
Windy! water temps might drop again after this blow—
Cold water pushing the squid further south— at Blacks Beach S/D
Thursdays Report—11/14 Nice again— what can one say- still nice middle of November- due to change a little over the next few days as a cold front passes through with wind and swell behind it then back to Santa Ana’s next week, The Ying and Yang of So. Cal Fall’s weather- —
We haven’t seen anything the afternoon whale waters said—- nope only those 60 dolphins we saw earlier—- I’ll take those— what happened to the Humpbacks—- oh they kelp traveling south- - thanks- The day was quiet , and peaceful afternoon with westerly sun and high clouds , nice sunsets this time of year—-
El Nino Report- whether the La Nina report—
ENSO Alert System Status: La Niña Watch
Synopsis: La Niña is most likely to emerge in October-December 2024 (57% chance) and is expected to persist through January-March 2025.
Over the past month, ENSO-neutral continued, as evidenced by overall near-average sea surface temperatures (SSTs) observed across the central and eastern equatorial Pacific Ocean Below-average subsurface temperatures persisted across the east-central and eastern equatorial Pacific Ocean and upper-level wind anomalies were near average. Convection was suppressed over the Date Line and was weakly enhanced over eastern Indonesia The traditional and equatorial Southern Oscillation indices were positive. Collectively, the coupled ocean-atmosphere system reflected ENSO-neutral.
The IRI plume predicts a weak and a short duration La Niña, the team still favors onset of La Niña, but it is likely to remain weak and have shorter duration than other historical episodes. A weak La Niña would be less likely to result in conventional winter impacts,
3 humpbacks whales traveling south? 24.1 / 44.2
Wed’s report- November 13 2024- Nice— clear and sunny— not much wind maybe 2 kts ? seas good. waters on the cool side- best chance for local fish- work the art. reefs north of Newport and off HB structure spots, sand and calicos— white fish and maybe a halibut— that’s if for now—
Stronger Santa Ana’s forecasted next week with Strong—N/E-Gap winds along the Baja peninsula - stand by
Tuesdays Report- November the 12th 2024— A few clouds around cooler, wind light from the south a couple of knts— seas have a small wind ripple to them not much swell- waters cold here on the beach-
Pretty quite on the waterfront today— VHF had a Cargo ship unloading its garbage- and that was about it—
Closed on Mondays—Re-sanded a dozen bamboo blanks /#400W/D and varnished them to perfection, took most of the day, they look nice.
Sundays report Nov the 10 2024 - and yet another nice day— little more breeze from the south this morning- 5-6 kts- seas okay small wind cap on it, turning west in the afternoons
Coastal fishing fair— some sand and calicos— short barracuda in the kelps , party boats still on the sculpin beds and a halibut or two here in the bay—
Boy dosen’t get much nicer here towards the middle of the November month. Few high clouds moving in- lots of folks out - good times for all- — fishing well it’s a little on the slow to fair side- tides will start to flow stronger next week.
— Sat November the 9th 2024—- and another fine day here in So Calif. other that the wild fires— they’re not good— but good news on the Swordfish tournament, Minutes before lines out yesterday and setting sun, a 360 lb Swordfish was hooked- and two hours later boated— Congrats to GJ and crew, and this morning the Donkey Wrangler at 9:49:50 AM Calen Offield hooked and boated a Swordfish. ! both on the deep drop method— “Go get another one Bob says”— weather nice light s/w wind 3 4 kts seas calm for the most part- nice weekend forecasted— enjoy-
Day 1 of the 2024 IGFA SoCal Swordfish Open is in the books, with an impressive 360.8-lb swordfish weighed in by Team Cold Turkey captained by Drew Kettelhut. Angler G.J. Sacco hooked the fish just minutes before lines out, battling for two hours to bring it in. Keep an eye on for live updates throughout the day! #IGFASoCalSwordfish
Nice day— but very few radio reports— the noon hours came and went— only the one earlier caught was reported with Calen Offield boating a 328lb Swordfish., incoming slack at 3 this afternoon maybe a broadbill will show —
and the day went on— another real nice day -lots of folks out and about— as the sun sets, still no word on any swords hooked other than Chase’s fish this morning— better luck next time Lines out 5 pm
Chases fish Sat morning-
Hey it’s that day again— Friday- my the weeks go by quickly- Nov the 8th Sunny, Clear and crisp morning- for the most part the NE winds and died down light southwest here this morning 2- 3 kts seas calm- waters cool at 60 degrees
Sounded like someone had a swordfish up — go get em!!— IGFA Swordfish Open going on today- Live Scoring Link Sounds like a fish was hooked , S.S. Minnow ( inside Clemente Is) — 11:06—- 12:13 lost it!!
And the nice day continued, with the wind staying fair and sunny- Not much going on in the swordfish world with only a few reported bites earlier in the day although radio reception seems a little scratchy - standing by - did I hear someone saying marlin?? as the sun sets no reported hook up for the Open— and a minute later—- the hook up and called it in—
WON Tuna Jackpot in it’s second day of the tournament— 220 lbs Tuna leads the pack so far— catches with-in a pounds radiance separate several notable catches— 1 st day— Prime Time Randy Davis Tuna 220.3 lbs Live scoring Link
Thursday’s Nov 7th day - An football game this evening- something to watch other than the news— Still Santa Ana’s not a strong but it’s a solid 15-20 N/E so far today- turning West towards the afternoon hours— Again not many boaters out— although further offshore what the wind there is dies out and it’s gets nice— Swordfish should bask (pop) on that midday slack tide, same tomorrow and Sat— Dolphin Stampede— at least that’s what the whale watcher said— 22 over 49 , couple of Humpback Whales 6 off Abalone too
Wind switched to a strong westerly - by sunset it backed off to grease !
Wed’s the 6th of November— Well glad that’s over with, we hope—- now we can get back to some serious fishing— Windy Day- Stiff 25+ kts doesn’t look like anyone’s out today, Avalon getting some of the brunt of it—
Up Next locally So Calif. is the Swordfish Open-
Tuesday’s Election Day- Stand By!!! Nov the 5th 2024—- Mild Santa Ana’s now forecast to blow strong tomorrow out of the NE 25-gusts to 50! — Stand By!
An older Email from Jerry- Swordfish Deep dropping ideas
To attach a 1 liter jug is a plastic mail bottle with sand to the top and an ice pick punched through the top so the sand is wet on the way down.
A strike breaks it free and on the way up a quick jerk gets the jug free so pulling up is less work. Some anglers here break off the weight so the bait goes through different thermoclines but we do 2 rigs down for the drift so to avoid tangles leave the jugs attached until retrieval.
To attach the jug to the bait we tie the mouth shut then put a loop of Dacron through the tip of the jaw and attach the 25 feet of 6 or 8 pound mono then the jug. To tie it to the hook would result in spinning. Send it down to the desired depth. Simple and easy
Lots of bait seen 7 off the beach between Newport and Dana a few birds but no dolphins seen yet for the dolphin watchers ( EKA Whale watchers) more sealife at 9 miles and further south
This weeks the IGFA Swordfish Open- Stand By for hopefully better weather by next weekend
And the WON Tuna Jackpot at the Cape—
well it was a nice day here today— not many boats out- wind turned south/ east for most of the day— nice— tides starting to mellow out-
Yesterdays water temps at the Cape !
Closed on Mondays— Found some worms and took #2 grandson over to the public dock for 4 spotted bay bass and a Sargo- other boys on the dock were into pencil barracudas, bass and shiner perch- fun fishing for all of us— boys asked if I’ve ever fished this dock before— said yep for the past 70+ years— !
Sunday Nov the 3rd 2024— Nice morning—some marine haze seaward light south wind 4 -6 kts seas okay -some swell there-Clearing wind from the N/W as that front passed through-
Couple of boats out— some bay kayackers fishing for the bass n small halibuts- water’s cold not much in the way of catches so far
Whale watchers— searching for something-
Tides still strong
Friday—- Mid channel towards the 209/ 289 waters 65 and reported to have some yellowfin tunas seen there— no bites-
Not much said on this afternoon windy day— “kinda rough out here” one whale watcher said but it’s worth it!— Humpback breaching— “came clear out of the water— pretty amazing” — 31 / 51 —3:09 pm
Next week’s excitement—- coming is the WON Tuna Jackpot 2024 Fishing Dates: November 7-8, 2024 — Lots of big tunas being sought afternoon— they say the secret is to catch a chillwilly and drag of over the deep water drop-off of Gorda Banks
the weekend arrives— November the 2nd and a nice day it is— little cloudy and breezy from the south/southeast this morning as that eddy comes in and an cold front moves through from the north , seas still cool at 62 degrees
— November the 1st - and its a Friday—- yea! the weekends at hand , Clean up some of the spooky stuff and get ready for Thanksgivings and Christmas— it’s a short way off- Like yesterday light blue sky- haze seaward and light south wind seas still with a little wind chop to it. Tides strong— made 4 cast off the dock one small 6” halibut bite-
West wind picked up by noon— cooler too- light wind cap— New Moon tonight
25/45 whale- 7 minute dive - 14 mile bank— Same as yesterday- stayed fair all day— but not much in the way of sealife around here offshore— probably squid will show up over the next week with all that up welled cold water against the beach- WSB? Halibuts , Red Tide?
Have fun this weekend— GoodLuck—
Spooky Halloween day Oct the 31st 2024— Pale Blue sky- light marine haze seawards- seas have calmed very little wind maybe a 2 kt S/E -
Again several boats out today with the intent of catching a Broadbill Swordfish- seas are calm now -should be pleasant out there -except for pulling on something that pulls back! JD’s carries Swordfish Squids- on hand- rigged or unrigged Good Luck!
Not much said on the radio today— it’s as if the VHF radio is without voice these days— dock and barge workers still there— nice day again- several fellows out for the days fishing here in the harbor- relaxing in the sun- strong tides these days- stand by—
Happy Halloween —
Wed’s report Oct the 30th— High lacy clouds this am- cooler air— seawards still that marine haze there- seas ok- a leftover lump from the west— light ruffle to the surface- wind 4- 5 out of the west/ southwest
Reported a little harder to make bait at Mag Bay these days—
Next week is the IGFA Swordfish Open- hope there’s still some fish around by then— Couple of boats over the past week pre fishing the local waters— -Birds, common dolphins, some sealife 5 6 off the beach—
Nice Day— go Dodgers
Tuesdays Oct the 29th 2024 - Pale blue sky some marine haze seaward- wind light to fair from the west- west swell coming in with it 4-6 ft +
Sad Note —— Kathy E. passed away this morning - RIP
Late in the day— radio reports said there were bluefin on the 290— go get em” 3:45
Go Dodgers—
Closed on Mondays —Spent the day at home—
Sundays report—Oct the 27th, better morning with a better sky by mid morning the fog began trying to creep in again. should dissipate soon?
Several boats out Deep dropping locally yesterday — said they’d had a bite but no hooked fish - strong down hill current
Fog came back in— as did the sailboats and private sports—creepy
Go Dodgers!
Saturday Oct the 26th- Foggy- Anderson Pea Soup style fog— hopes to clear up by noon here on the beach - maybe- light west clearing at 2 3 kts- seas calm.
The Cape’s tournaments this year had staggering catches - 330 lb Tuna, hundreds of Striped marlins, Blacks and Blues in 8 and 10 hour battles, one fish just out weighing another only by a few pounds and thousands of dollar differences, giant fish caught that weren’t in the giant Jackpots only to be bested by smaller fish that were. Lots of Money Spent— Lots of it awarded -
Black and Blue Total Payout: $6,847,200.00
Team Payout Hooray $1,559,500.00 , Prime Time $1,148,400.00 , Stella June $901,500.00 , Crudo $854,150.00, Súper Neighbors $511,150.00, PLC HOOKERS $460,500.00, Sneak Attack $400,000.00, Never Say Never $204,000.00, 7 -10 Split $204,000.00 , El Suertudo $204,000.00
BAC’s got their Bay Bass tournament today here in Newport— Winning team- three fish with total 6.6 lbs — Spotted Bay Bass- over 50 anglers - good turnout— BBQ & Awards Party on Sunday the 27th
Friday- again- Oct the 25th World Serries Baseball game today! overcast and a bit foggy this morning- heavy last night- seas calm very little wind 1- 2 kts west/southwest-
Black and Blue Tournament down south - lots of mula $$$ on the table! - and from the reports lots of Blues and Blacks too-! Amazing and not one Stripper!
The Big Money Tournaments at the Cape are something— all this past week the atmosphere is charged with the “Big One” , evening hours spent in the bars watching sport games, Tonight’s World Series games no exception- Jam packed after the Tournaments days fishing with tales to be told and cool drinks to refresh the days stress- and believe me there’s a lot of stress there- especially the last hours of the event- tick— tick—- tick the clock winds down- all eyes watching the baits and lures- tick tick— -
tick—tick— the battle goes on for those hooked up tick — tick - the weight- in by 9 pm—
Go Dodgers—
Have Fun this weekend— might be some fog
— take care— Good luck- whales and dolphins 30/ 50 today—
—Thursdays report— Foggy Oct the 24th— no wind seas calm as glass , not many boats out so far today
Took the day off yesterday to go fishing with my daughter Rebecca- spent the day on Christan’s Sekas Sportfishing out of Dana Point — good trip -seas were kind, not much sea-life seen except near the 181 and 289 banks - dolphins and a pair of whales, ran over to Clemente and took a few Calicos and hooked a yellowtail — good times !
Whalers report lots of dolphins, a fin whale and a Hawaiian ( humpback) outside South Laguna — 25/ 45
We’ll be closed on Wednesday — going fishing!
— Tuesdays Oct the 22nd 2024— and again a nice sunny morning with blue sky and a hint of coolness as we enter into the Fall months— no wind seas calm- They say there’s some Thresher Sharks north of here Newport- good luck— Whalers reported not much on the 14 maybe towards the 267 there’s more sealife—
Heard on the news of the big swordfish off SD and a Swordfish stabbing a surfer! Yikes
Several boats out Deep dropping outside Newport today— no reported hook up as of the 3 pm time
Weather stay calm all day— light west towards the afternoon hours 4 6 kts—
Tomorrow night—- Balboa Angling Club Members!
Don’t forget, our last Club Member Porch Party of the year is this Wednesday!! It’s a potluck, so bring an entree or appetizer to share.
Wednesday, October 23 5:30pm 201 A. St., Newport Beach
and Down Mexico way — the Black and Blue starts tomorrow— with Total Payout: $5,762,625.0 for 159 Teams
Closed on Mondays
—Oct 20—Sunday and Blue Sky— a welcome sight— wind light if any east? seas calm- radio reception good whalers and dolphin’ers report dolphin— said six miles of em’
-cooler water on the inside- 63 degrees and shy of the 209 up to 66 and good signs of bait around—
BAC’s Bay Bass Tournament- is next weekend —call the club for details— This is a team event 3 anglers 3 fish limit your more than welcome to fish it solo but it’s more fun with friends lines in at 6:00 out at 1:00 weigh in @balboaanglingclub by 1:30 Potluck porch party kickoff Wednesday 5:30 @balboaanglingclub
We’ll we did it— 11:52—- slack tide today 11:10 S/E of the 209 10 miles 3.5 Black and Purple 01/42
Well it’s been a good week- weathers’ held for the most part- coastal and island fishing fair or better for the basses etc. swordfish made a showing, reports of tunas but few caught- a marlin or two released- tides will flatten out on this back side of the moon we’ll see what develops - good luck if you get out- JD
—Sat the 19th Another nice day light Santa Ana’s wind varying north/east/ south/ west
Boat far and wide today- whalers out too- a Humpback off Laguna, or two, common’s towards Salt Creek 2 - 4 off the beach— Deep-dropping for swordfish by a couple of boats no reported hook up yet
They say there’s schools of Yellowfin tunas out there- not much said of it on the radio so far but it might be there- go get em” the stuff below is outside Collenet
Oct the 18 the Friday again and what a relief to see the morning’s sunshine again- just a few scattered clouds on the horizon- wind light from the west/southwest 4 5 kts seas okay there’s a west swell there
Swordfish this time of year here in So Calif— at least that’s the thought— and there’s been a few around these days— not much reported on the surface-some on the deep drop method - Marlin should still be around, we haven’t had any major cold fronts yet-the the warming trend this weekend—
Cabo— Little Black and Blue tournament third day and still only the two fish weighed that qualified, 467 Black & 401 Blue no fish yesterday and none so far today- there was a giant Yellowfin Tuna at 330 lbs! Yikes !! and Today Wild Hooker boated a Black Marlin. AT 11:47:12 AM— as the day ends several fisyh were boated— some not to qualify but good for the ego photos .
Wind from the west pushed through around the noon hour— stayed west till sunset-
A check to see if Clemente Island is open this weekend shows yes—
Oct the 17th 2024- Wind from the southeast this morning 3-5-6 kts more clouds that overcast sky- tides full with the Full moon, find it curious that they’d ( the government) would have a Earthquake Alert day at the same time as a Full Moon phase with the possibility of a quake as past history shows, just saying!
E-Mail from Pete on the way down to Mag Bay—- e mail— Oct 17 at 11:53 AM
John, just a note to pass on to the guys coming down. the 13 spot holding tuna 30/70lbs and lots of marlin. acres of bait. water 69. good bite out from of Santa Maria. 36/ 20-22 water 70/73
Nice day no quakes yet?
Oct the 16th Wed’s Full Moon and a light overcast here again — like yesterday cleared off towards noon- nice after that , Strong Tides
I think your bit— Keep winding— Yea but there’s no weight on the line, the bouy just laying there—- keep winding— I think you bit!!—- fishing, towards the upper 9 Mile Bank I think , late yesterday afternoon towards the 5:30 time- two guys deep dropping for swordfish—
This morning ‘s E Mail from Ryan— Hi JD
Saw two marlin today, a sleeper at 33.14/117.53 and a jumper at 33.05/117.57 On Saturday saw a feeder at 33.29/118.04 One of my captains also saw 2 marlin today in area of 33.28/118.01
There for the taking!! Ryan NEWPORT COASTAL ADVENTURE PH: 949.922.8784
Overcast for the day - more tomorrow
Mexico— Baja Cabo San Lucas, the Offshore B & B Tounament - 135 boats Total Payout: $2,715,675.00
One fish boated so far Black by the Los Compadres , Martha’s in their with the Release Division and Down Time boated a Blue Marlin.
Oct 15th— Tuesdays report —- more overcast today— no wind and seas are calm-
Yep there’s still a few marlins around— past years they stay around till about the second or the third strong cold front from the northwest sweeps down, ,as long as there’s feed here they should stick around- traditionally staying close to the islands where there’s an abundance of food ( Squid) available.
A call back East / Florida to Baitmasters in regards to the availability of their Ballyhoo baits—unrigged dozen packs of Med Large size which is the common size used for the Stripers off Baja/ Mag Bay— sorry not available just yet— only smaller sizes have been harvested and from the past hurricane not much since then- the belief that if cooler water develops they might be able to get some bigger baits— but it’s limited and uncertain. Headed to Mag— better bring the sabikis and some chum!
E-mail—Good morning JD. Jeremy’s first local marlin on Gadzukes tailing in tight to the slide Saturday the 12th.
Building tides with the Full moon on Thursdays
and another nice afternoon-
Closed on Mondays Yard work— lots of leaves these days—
Sundays- Oct the 13th the day of rest— still overcast a bit cooler wind freshened from the south this morning a little stronger 3-6 kts seas okay light ruffle to the seastate
Bruce had a double on yesterday, one came off , caught the other one—( not sure about that?) but one of the fish reported to be big— real big— back out it again— in tight along the contour lines of the island’s drop-off-
And another nice afternoon—-
Sat Oct the 12th 2024—- Overcast even drizzle but not fog— better visibility two + wind from the south 2-4 kts seas good on the inside waters
Whale watchers reported yesterday seeing what he’s called fining tuna not really chasing bait just slowly moving along- dolphins in the ares, a thousand of em’ as well as humpbacks, split the difference between the 14 and 267 and inside from there — like the past couple of days it cleared off afternoon nice- lots of folks out and about—
Sounded like someone was saying they came in and hit the brighter color lures— (Marlin??) 4:53pm
Los Cabos Billfish Tournament Payout
Stella June $228,506.67
Sneak Attack $106,714.67
The Daddy Rabbit $100,558.33
El Suertudo $73,883.33
Never Say Never $57,493.33
Upcoming the BAC’s Bay Bass tournament October 26 @ 6:00 am - 1:00 pm
Newport Harbor Bay Bass Tournament
Balboa Angling Club 200 "A" Street, Balboa, CA, United States
SATURDAY, OCTOBER 26, 2024 Lines in at 6:00 am and Lines out at 1:00 pm All fish must be weighed in by 1:30 pm at the Balboa Angling Club Entry includes BBQ & Awards Party on Sunday the 27th
Friday again—Oct 11 the hope for a clear morning were dashed with the onslaught of fog again— still foggy mid morning- hope to clear off- wind light from the west 4-5 kts- seas calm-
Said he’s seen a Jumper- too far for them to run to— same place as last week— 1:16pm ——-east end I’d guess-
Couple of boats out today— deep dropping for swordfish— good luck!
Baja, Cabo- Los Cabos Billfish Tournament continues today ( last day of three days fishing) only 34 some boats entered this year- and 3 blues of Blacks over 300 so far —another one or two late in the day - With the weather holding for the past week- expect things to change— approaching weather fronts this time of year from the Northwest bringing lower temps, wind and swells- Stand By—
Today’s weather a lot like yesterday-some midday afternoon sunshine nice still hazy seaward- wind light from the west 4-5 kts- this weekends inside water look ok some morning south wind outside waters expect a steady 12-15 and building late in the day- both days-
Go Dodgers!!!! —- Go Padres !!!
1947 Oct 10th, Mom gave birth to a couple of boy twins, he’s out surfing this morning and maybe playing soccer this afternoon or go sailing. I’ll toss a line in - Clearing overcast - wind light to fair from the south as it clears off this morning. seas okay -
A check with the San Clemente Island Security’s web site shows the “Cove” / SHOBA C & D C&D 12-OCT-24 0400 (4 am) to 0600 ( 6 am) to be HOT on Saturday morning- then should be open after that and all day on Sunday with much of the rest of the island open as well-
Nice day — nicest we’ve seen for a week, hazy marine seaward sky mostly clear , west for most of the day- fair
Whale watchers - chasing around looking at a few dolphins and a whale near the 14—
Oct the 9th 2024- Sill Overcast like June Gloom stays overcast till mid day- clouds up in the afternoon- Wind today is light to fair mostly west/southwest 2-4 kts - seas calm
How quickly this water has cooled off since Sept 10 th 65- to 75 degrees
Today’s project- restore an older Penn Senator 1950 10/0 reel- clean, lube, resurface the drag washers- works good now- ready to catch a big fish-
Bait ball of anchovies off Dana to Laguna good sealife—— whales with them— 31/50 1:00 Slack tide
Sun came out for a while then clouded up again—
No fish reported
As the private sportfishers plan ahead south a quick look down south- from 78 to 87 degrees- a couple of good breaks noted.
Oct the 8th Tuesdays report— Still overcast here on the shorelines- clearing inland— light west/southwest at 4 5 kts— seas okay- not much swell —visibility a mile or less , sailboats not going very fast these days—
Mexico’s, Baja Cabo has a small disturbance headed it’s way—looks to dissipate- Florida got bigger fish to fry—
Swordfish Tides this week-Slack high tide during the middle of the days warming sunlight tomorrow One Tide Day called Diurnal Tide (a tidal cycle where there is one high tide and one low tide in a 24-hour period.) It’s believed the swordfish come up from the cold depths to warm their bodies in the surfaces sun and stay up longer on the surface-
Deep-drop , buoy fishers working the 9 mile bank this week— 32:42/ 117:30
Sun came out after noon —nice— but lingering off the coastline friday looks good so far—
Closed on Mondays— rested -
Oct the 6th — still overcast sky- although maybe a little brighter so far- wind light 2-3 from the south- seas calm
As the private sportfishers plan ahead for their southern bound destinations and the tournaments soon to come — a quick look down south- from 65 to 90 degrees— couple of good breaks noted (see below)
Coastal waters holding at 63 degrees a bit warmer towards the East end of the island reported a jumper on the 277 and a feeder near the 152— local bait ( mackerel hard to find— only sardines so far)
Went down to two teasers cleared out the other stuff— saw a lot of feeders here so far today—181 area—( I think) 12:12
Foggy most of the day—
—Oct 5 th 2024— Well it looks like the party’s about to begin— hundreds of boats both big and small heading out the harbor . Weather’s better with a little more hope for clearing cloud cover at the Air Show— wind is light to fair as it clears off from the west, small cap with it- Seas calm fog—-too-
AIS shows the tuna fleet to be working off the back side of Clemente— - the Navy has exercises there through out the day— The cove is “Hot” today and tomorrow from 2 pm till 10 pm , check the web site for open hours San Clemente Island Security
Air show quote of the day— “Do you think they think we can see them???”
Working offshore-Newport 6-7 miles out, one boater asked - anyone catching anything in all this baits that’s here?—
Whales watchers- finding a couple of Humpbacks 27/ 47 -5-6 off the beach- ( dana/ saltcreek)
Foggy for most of the day— sunshine 3,500 feet straight up—
- Oct the 4th Better weather here on the beaches— still a bit on the overcast but it’s brighter and even some blue above— wind is light from the west /southwest 3-4 kts- seas okay- Air Show starts today— the roar continues—zo000om
Stayed high overcast for most of the day now—
Lot’s of boats moving a bout— some heading towards the backside of the island in search of the late season tunas— weather looks ok for them-
good luck this weekend if you get out—a few halibuts around— maybe pick up a scoop of sardines and while at anchore watching the air show you; might come home with dinner too! Good Luck - JD
Oct the 3rd Thursday— fog here on the coastline— cool with a light south eddy wind at 2-5 - 6-8kts seas calm with a light ruffle to the water’s surface, building - little swell- looks a little bleak out there today— reported—
JD’s is taking orders for Baitmasters dozen packs of un-rigged Ballyhoos for the Mag Bay fishing season this Fall Call 949 723 0883 or E mail—
It’s that time of year when there’s a break from the summer business and the winter business- forward thoughts brings the work load of the bamboo fishing rods to build-currently I’ve finished seven of the dozen light tackle bamboo blanks sanded down to the 400 grit paper- straight and smooth- finish up the other 5 more blanks-in a week or so then towards the varnishing process which takes a month or better. And time to start another order for more bamboo blanks, takes 6 months sometimes—Measurements made to create a softer parabolic taper in the split cane’s taper for a light to med strength flex. Give but not break!—
Hoose was over to the Island said good bass and bonitos- fun stuff- and some bottom grabbers too
Still no sun here on the beach
JD’s is taking orders for Baitmasters dozen packs of un-rigged Ballyhoos for the Mag Bay fishing season this Fall-
Upcoming the IGFA Swordfish Open— see the IGFA for details—
Oct the 2nd 2024—- Foggy here on the beach— warm and sunshine inland— 1/4 vis looks to burn away— I think— no wind- seas okay I think—
Couple boats headed out early this morning—- heading to SBI in search of the Bluefin tuna—
Humpbacked whale 3 off Newport 32/ 53 dolphins there too-
You on here——— 15lb’er— off the foamer on a meatball- came up on it tossed the popper— got him —— came on on the dolphin put out the spreader bar—- just got it in— maybe 80-90lbs Yellowfin— 2:05
Phone call this afternoon—- just after being out on the water— said Don’t give up the Ship just yet— there’s still plenty of fish out there—said he’s seen quite a few feeders Yes marlin” on the 277 today—and schools of dolphin held the tunas—
foggy today maybe 1/2 or a little better — Never saw the sun today till after 5:30-6pm—sweatshirt weather-
Oct the 1 2024—- Tuesday-, Started here in the shop on Oct the 1st 1976! =Yikes— a Sales Rep for California Tackle/ Sabor rods at that time- traveling the roads- some 70 miles a year- the fuel dock here had ordered some tackle- / rods, line etc. was asked why don’t you work here— open up a tackle shop here behind the fuel dock, that was some 48 years ago now- yikes! Still here— JD
Coastal foggy conditions hazy sky as it tryis to burn off- warm inland— light west/southwest wind as it lifts . Seas okay- light wind chop- building tides as the New Moon approaches
Huntington Beach Air Show coming up in a day or two— practice flights roaring over the coastline today—— roarrrrring ——weather looks better so far this year—
Young man comes in the shop today— looking for a hand scale—I’ve got a 50’lb scale— what’s you catch— about a 40 lb Halibut—- right at the harbor entrance— going lobster fishing— got a scoop of sardines— oh well might as well put one down — 1/2 later a 40 lb halibut—
Another coastal report— fished Izor’s Reef today— white fish and a few mackerel— that was it—
Closed on Mondays, light yard work relaxed in the back yard- read the Old Man and the Sea, 1954, cool book- makes one think of ones thoughts as he’s playing a fish- JD
Sunday—Sept 29th repeat from yesterday— overcast morning light west wind clears off towards noon or shortly after that—westerly clearing sky
Boats returning from the islands and the T/C Hunt tournament— couple of tuna flags flying— no marlin flags yet—
58 degree water here on the coastline—from Long Beach to Oceanside— clean green— Reports of the marlins further south towards the waters between Clemente and the mainland— ( below the 312) 32:59 / 117:46— maybe 4 this morning— — a sleeper and tailer seen off the East end of Cat— went away/ sunk out-
Not much said on the radio today— I’m sure someone caught a fish— but not many reported-
Sat Sept the 28 2024— Over—over—overcast weather this morning- almost foggy- coming out of the harbor green for the first 5 6 miles— some birds and baitballs after that- towards the shipping lanes— wind-calm- seas calm—light westerly as the overcast begins to lift-
Spotter play was to have reported schools of 50- 80 lb Bluefin on the 209 yesterday— no reports so far today—
Bottom of the tide a few more marlin bites for the ILTT tournament, afternoon’s roll call , sounded like a few fish seen- not sure if any caught— —
Nicer afternoon with the sun out-light west-
- Friday Sept the 27th 2024-
Overcast again this morning— due to burn away by noon( It didn’t) — lots of boats out today— searching— water 67/69 on the 277 lots of bait seen- dolphin seen so far—
10 west of the 172- schools of small tuna seen ,foamers— a few bites there too-
ILTT / Gene Grimes San Diego tournament, as of noon— one marlin released— another one lost towards the turn of the tide’s low Slack. 3:01 jig fish hooked released their second fish for the day—-—4:35 another hook up Cabrilla
Swagger say’s he’s baited a few fish today—
Diver said there were lots of “shorts” lobsters off Crystal Cove this morning-
Boats out on the 14 this morning in search the reported Yellowfin— found 65 degree water lots of sealife, birds, bait dolphins, whales free jumping marlin — but no tuna for them— yet—
Young man— just came in the shop— called earlier wanting to know if we carried Ballyhoos baits— said he’s be right down— sat on the seawall outside the shop and spoke to someone about what size baits to buy , showed photo to the other guy- chose the three pack of Med Select size— wanted a pusher head to go in front so he could troll it faster—- spent some time showing him how to re rig them for the pusher head—- got distracted by phone call and another other couple of kids in the shop- , good kids, the ballyhoo guys, stuffs a marlin lure in his back pocket— no good can come of it— I retrieved the lure, he had a couple other things to buy— sorry left my wallet in the car— 30 minuets later he comes back in to pay for what he’s left behind—apologized —
Sept the 26th Thursdays and still a morning’s overcast day— like yesterday it cleared off towards a afternoon’s hazy sky and a fair to strong west wind—
Dolphins , commons off Dana Point— too many to count- also a Humpback was around outside the point ( Dana) —bait must be there—-
Buccaneers Days at Catalina, the T/C’s has their Hunt Tournament Friday and Sat ,
Sept the 25th 2024—- and the overcast days continue— wind is light from the west 5-6 kts, seas okay- some small wind chop on it,—Newport’s water temp this morning— 62 degrees warmed up to 64- Yikes!
Bait was tough to get—
The warmth of Mexico is becking- sportfishers thinking of Mag Bay and the Mainland of Mexico , If you heading down and require some service on the tackle give JD’s a call of drop by with it— - takes about a week to two to service the reels— biggest problem we have now is getting parts—JD
San Clemente’s Island Security’s web site shows the “Cove” ( SHOBA) to be “Hot” ? active on Friday till 6 pm then open all day Sat, sat night until 2 pm on Sunday afternoon—-
Several years ago— with concern of how fast the holding barb of Circle Hooks used for Striped Marlin would corrode, allowing the fish to dislodged them. Working with Eagle Claw’s technical Dept , the L2004EL is a light wire hook with Platinum Black plating typically exhibits corrosion resistance up to a maximum of 72-84 hours , submersion in salt water with moving water, as on a fishes mouth would cause rusting to begin much sooner. The point and barb are the first places on the hook to begin rusting due to their fine edges. The deterioration rate, that would depend on salinity, PH and temperature of the water. The fish’s mouth, naturally accustom to baitfish with barbs/ spiked fins has the ability to work these reduced barbs out themselves.
JD’s carries Baitmasteds pre-Rigged Swordfish squids, ready to go and ready to catch em”
Boats returning back from the 499 area this afternoon reports seeing the foamers —smaller 30- 40lb fish up and down quickly, they only had a couple of zips on their spreader bar rig— circling the foamers to get the bites— they had no kites etc. other party boats drifting with the baits and a few purse seiners there too- —maybe the faster boats could get to them with a cast -getting past the 35 line -= whales -sealife- birds -bait- but no marlin seen—
Seeing as how these are light wire hooks made of standard carbon steel, once the plating is penetrated, they would not last long in saltwater.
—Sept 24 2024 Tuesdays report
— Overcast morning hours— sun coming out towards the noon hours- wind light from the west—-
Today— Returning WHOW boats coming back into the Newport Harbor after their great weigh - in at Avalon yesterday afternoon and into the early evening hours— Bluefin tunas and other fish caught by these Vets— remarkable catches! Thanks for participating and thanks to all the Volunteers and commitments by the boat owners and their crews—
Closed on Monday - JD
Sundays report- Sept 22 Cloudy overcast calm seas and wind— nice— lots of folks out and about— Slack tide today towards the noon hour— standing by—
Boats scatter far and wide in search of fish- reported there were the schools of bluefin off the backside of Catalina to the 499 and down the backside of Clemente—
WHOW boats 44 boats and a hundred vets— nice — Monday afternoon at the Green pleasure pier at Catalina is the Live Weigh-in—
Wind from the west developed came up leaving a choppy day—64-65 degree water
Sat’s Report Sept the 21 24, Looks calm and greasy out there this morning— low cloud cover and calm wind- seas mellowed out— Plenty of boats out today— should be fun— good luck-
14 Mile Bank held bait— Humpbacked whales and other hole heads there too-
reported some Yellowfin in the area- good luck-
WHOW IS HERE! Our Send-Off livestream starts today at 1 PM PT, with the WHOW fleet assembling in Newport Basin for a patriotic boat parade at 4:30 PM PT. Let’s honor our heroes and kick off the tournament in spectacular fashion! #WHOW2024 #FreedomAlliance
Couple of things to look forward to— San Diego has the up- coming ILTT/ Gene Grimes fishing tournament call the San Diego Marlin Club for details— and in October there is the 7th International Billfish Symposium – October 8-10, 2024 in San Diego, California WHEN:October 8, 2024 – October 10, 2024 all-day WHERE: Hubbs – SeaWorld Research Institute 2595 Ingraham St San Diego CA 92109 CONTACT: Bruce Pohlot 954-924-4223
and into November 8-10, 2024 The IGFA SoCal Swordfish Open returns to its original “swordfish only” format in 2024! the world’s PREMIER swordfish tournament that is hosted annually in the famed waters off Southern California!Secure Your Spot in the IGFA SoCal Swordfish Open & Win a Once-in-a-Lifetime Fishing Trip with Bad Company!
The first-place winning team of the 2024 IGFA SoCal Swordfish Open will receive an unparalleled one-day fishing trip offshore Newport, CA, with the renowned Bad Company Fishing team
Friday’s Sept the 20th report— Cloudy morning- cooler- light to fair West/southwest wind 5-7 kts Seas have a small wind cap to them—
Wind stayed west all day- we’ll see what this weekend brings -
The WHOW’s scoring is based on the variety off fish caught, and of course who gets the biggest- boats will range from north to south lets wish them luck-
The Boat Parade works its way through the harbor then out to sea towards sunset - Wish them well if your in the area— that bluff above CDM good viewing point to watch them head out of the harbor— Best of luck to them — JD
Thursdays Report- Sept the 19th 2024
Light overcast some drizzle but not much— looks like the sky’s are clearing— no wind -seas okay—
Back to hearing the whale and dolphin watchers on the radio these days— off Main beach 300- 500 of the common’s seen just milling around—
BAC’s has a Swordfish Seminar this Thursday afternoon to Evening- — should be be good with expert advice— give the Club a call- bring a treat for the Pot Luck too! -
A check with the San Clemente Islands Security’s web site shows the “ Cove “/ SHOBA” to be open Saturday till Sunday morning 8 am gets “ Hot” till 5 pm that day then Sun night open till 2 pm on Monday—
Weather looks ok for the weekend — not too much wind forecasted, wish I could report an abundance of offshore fish to be caught this weekend—they may have vanished southwards - might be a few seabass, yellows around the islands— squid being the main feed out there now, coastal fishing ok on the basses, smaller halibuts around— , Catalina — the three “B”’s are there- — northern islands have a showing of sea bass, halibuts still around too. deep dropping for swordfish is another option— another one taken yesterday—- BAC’s got their Seminar there this evening—
Wed’s Report Sept 18 2024— Feels like Fall again— wind is light from the south 3-4 kts seas okay- Some of the bigger Private sportfishers/ Yachts are getting ready for the WHOW event—
Full Moon and strong tide changes today
Got to say it— getting to JD’s Tackle shop is about the hardest tackle shop to get to- by car- boating might be easier- the island’s street repairs and constructions detours cause one’s blood pressure to rise-! but relax once you get here the scenery is quite pleasant- JD
- wind from the west pushed the clouds inland- then turned south then west— towards the afternoon hours— nice—
We should be able to get a better sat image of the water temps tomorrow
Tuesday Sept 17 2024— feels like a early fall day— all we’ll need is a couple of Santa Ann’s and we’ll be there— couple of clouds around wind light to fair from the south. southeast, seas okay Big swell from the west - very few boats out or on the radio so far— Upcoming is the WHOW starts on Sat with boat parade through the harbor before they head out the jetty towards sunset—
BAC’s has a Swordfish Seminar this Thursday afternnon to Evening- — shoul be be good with expert advice— give the Club a call- bring a treat for the Pot Luck too!
Full Moon Thursday night—!
Swell laid down—turns out a nice day- sunny and warm- waters still on the cool side 68-69 degrees—
Closed on Mondays—
Spent an hour collecting innkeeper worms - dirty work that paid off - took my granddaughter out - she caught a nice little leopard shark and 3 calico bass and a couple of rays. Pulled the bass in so hard it popped right out the water into her chest. Panicked, she threw the rod and reel back into the water, retrieved- line still on the fish- Good memories.
Sundays Sept the 15th almost feels like fall, not quite but it’s nearing it— light overcast this am wind light to fair from the west 3- 6-7 kts- seas okay some mix to and light chop there .
Returning to ports today- boats coming back into the harbors from a long weekend of Marlin fishing— Pesky’s reported to have close to 30 fish released for their 35 boats— a little tougher this week than the past Masters week—bottom and rising tide had the bites-
casting to sleepers but no bites, most up in the jigs-
What’s up Next -the WHOW-Saturday, September 21, 2024 then the Tuna Clubs Hunt
Local boats out chasing some tunas under the dolphins—6-8 off the beach
Sat Sept the 14th Day 2 of the Pesky’s starts as a overcast sky- wind very light if any at all- 1 -4 kts seas generally calm
11:00 update 5 fish caught and 1 lost for the morning report. Here are some pictures of Pesky’s at play.
By 4 pm all the boats were back towards Avalon - with fish tales and drinks to be shared— fun time—
E-Mail this afternoon—- JD- Hugh on MAI TAI here. We're about 4 off the pier with the paddlers and just watched a nice swordfish go finning by. Aloha!
Long day— must have worked on a dozen or more reels- service and new line— Boats are starting to get ready for their southwards travels— Mag Bay First then the Cape ( some may just pass by it) and onward to the Mainland of Mexico and points south to Panama!
—- Friday— Sept the 13th Overcast and a light south wind— nice- seas still have a mixed lump out there-
Pesky’s is today— your never sure what you hear is the truth! something about fish stories—- standing by— On the water reporter Jeff— Randy’s brother is due to keep the updates — Standing by—
Rumor says six fish so far released—-
2:00 update. 12 fish caught so far for the day and 5 of them by girls that have gone wild!
4 O ‘clock up date 15 fish for the day so far — only 1 fish lost , boats fishing from Santa Cruz Is. to the East end of Cat—- 5 boats with 2 or more fish —JW
Thursday’s Report Sept 12 2024 — Overcat again and wind from the south— eddy effect I’d guess- the sun to come out towards late morning hours- seas have a wind chop on them also a mixed up swell—a little better tomorrow
Cooler water coming down from Pt Vincent/ Long Beach— bait in that cooler water—- maybe some fog too— stand by!
Wind stayed south for the day - couple of boats out prospecting— for the Pesky’s wind and swell on the outside-
‘Lines in at 5:48 tomorrow morning— I won’t be here
Have Fun!—
Sept the 11 th. 2024 A day never to be forgotten— Morning hours here on the beach mostly cloudy to late mid morning hours when the sun was trying to get through it— wind is stronger today from the south 6-7 kts + — sea okay some mix to the swell and wind chop- Swordfish tides this week —
And coming up next is the WHOW - another great event— !
Most life seen today shipping lanes between A Bank and the 14— along that break running S/E from the end of the island—
Sept the 9th 2024—- Back at it again- Tuesdays report— starts a little on the windy side with a light to fair west wind stronger on the outside— swells are mixed and added small wind chop to it-, couple smaller boats came back in early—
Up Next—- the Pesky’s that wild and wacky marlin tournament where it’s not club vs. club, nor is it team vs team, nor boat vs, boat, it’s Angler vs. Angler even on the same boat— this years it’s— “ Spring Break” and all the fun things that go with it— Stand by !!! -Starts Friday the 13th and continues into Saturday where the radius of fishing grounds is reduced by the hour till all boats are close to the island at lines out— Rumor has it’s there’s a wet T-Shirt contest too! Yikes!
Tonight at the Chicken Coop Kick Off is at 6 pm
35 boats in the 34th Derby— Spring Break!! along with shot glasses, beer bongs and megaphones and bra flags, Added points for bageling a mahlin’s bill, wearing Derby garb and calling in the hook-up correctly !
In Years past- fake Mahlin’s tails and fins were tossed overboard in the early morning hours of the fishing grounds—come sunrise they were spotted floating just like the real thing- even to the point where mackerel were harnessed to pull these fake tails giving them the appearance of moving - fake sleepers fooled many of the unsuspecting—even the Stup#@%** lifeguards who thought they were sharks ! lots of fun— —have fun JD !
Catalina work place with friend Denny for radio control
Catalina views
Sept the 7th 2024 — That’s a wrap on the Balboa Angling Club’s 2024 Master’s tournament! the weather was good and so was the fishing, good show of fish , morning’s incoming tide the fish came up— lots of chances but not all boats got into them, doubles off jig and a baits in the water,, 30 boats close to 50 fish released, about the same for the loss rate , jig bites that fell off and a few break offs, . Stay tuned tomorrow for the official final results. Well done all. JD
35 boats reported 83 hook up’s— not counting the multitude of strikes or fish up in the jigs or fish sighted, 43 fish released and 40 fish got free by themselves, And one Marlin will be wearing a Satellite Tag that will tell where this fish is heading over the next better part of a year—- !! Thanks to the Dana Anglers!!
High Angler Award went to Charlie Albright, 2nd High Angler to Michael Jacobs and 3rd High Angler to Loren Washburn,
High Club the Los Pescadores 2nd went to the Dana Anglers and 3rd to the Tuna Club, High Boat to the Stella June fishing for the Peskys, Bull Pen #2 and Kea Kai #3 also for the Peskys
Great Tournament!!!— Radio Control- Out—-Till Next Year—
Sept the 6th 2024 — First day of the Balboa Angling Club’s Master’s tournament is complete. A HOT day on top the Catalina ridge-line. 45 fish hooked - 22 released I think and 23 fish lost (hooks fell out or light line broke in the battle).
Good luck to all the anglers tomorrow! Stay hydrated out there!
Sept the 4th 2024—- and the day starts sunny—- light marine haze seaward wind from the west 4-6 kts light wind chop on the water— seems a bit off color too-
Weather report for the weekend— per Windy it looks a little better— not much better , a little better but still a windy west afternoon—
Boats working the 312 yesterday found lots of paddies— only a few fish under them- small yellowtails and a dorado or two—
Windy today—12-15+ West solid
Good Luck this weekend if your out fishing—- have fun— JD
Chlorophyll Charts from yesterday— - there’s a lot of bait- porpoise- some Humpback and Minkki whales below Dana— in that green water—
Sept the 3rd 2024- Starts of fine— light marine haze seaward— wind is light to fair 4-5+ kts Southwest due to swing more from the west—
Only a couple boats out- searching or returning from a long weekend at the island— seas a good for traveling— Yesterdays tuna fleet out to the lower banks behind Clemente- closer to the island Desperation reef ( where in desperation they caught cods there to fill the sacks) trolled Mad Max Lures in the larger size did it in for the 150lbs + tunas there— kites n’ flyers also did the trick there.
Afters the days trolling around burning fuel— heading home— one more tack — the afternoon marlin showed up— bright pink colored lure— nice sized fish put on a good show— released well—- heading in- 6 off the beach porpoise rushing hard— meter marks showed fish— up ahead of the of the pod the get chum and a bait the water —- no bites but they did see fish
Not much said on the radio so far today—- Whales watchers below the harbor towards Dann and below report lots of porpoises and bait—
Weather stayed west for most of the day hazy marine sky— cloud cover developing in the afternoon hours—
thats all for now folks!
Sept the 2nd labor Day! Coastal marine cover stronger and almost a hint of fog! wind is light from the south 3-4 kts— seas good— strong tides in this New Moon phase-
There’s a sleeper here between us—- there were a couple of them here earlier we just trolled around them— no bait meter marks 10:38 morning’s High Slack tide 10:10am— Standing by
Inside info has marlins here- there— most of the inside banks, shipping lanes or the drop-off outside the rigs are holding— two and singles and even a triple reported— stand by! Sleepers in the morning not hungry, fish up in the attractive bait and lures - , dredgers, spreader bars used for the tunas, old fashioned boone birds , that piece of lumber with mirrors all over it- they all work and none of them do!
This coming Wed afternoon 5pm the Masters will have their kickoff at the Pizza place in the Golf Course on Irvine Blvd.
Sept the 1st- coastal clouds till noon came back towards the late afternoon hours, wind stayled light from the south mild for the day- seas good,
Morning marlin bite at the island, slowed down mid day— afternoon hours and a triple reported inside the island, other reports of jumpers ( marlin) seen Osborne, West end, off Long Poing- Avalon -125 off the East end— A bank and the 14 Mile Bank—Jumpers??
Making bait, Mackerel was tough today—both here in Newport- HH , LB and even over at the island—
Aug the 31st— Last day of the month-Falls in the air! morning overcast wind light south 2-3 kts seas flat-
Boats out fishin everywhere—
Slack low tide today— 2:26—
We just had a knockdown— 12:10
Upcoming weekends tournament weather looks to be blowing— stand by—
nice work —a scratchy radio came through— 3:52
A hesitant phone call— minutes later—JD—- will you be open tomorrow—?— ahaa- would it be possible to—-look at a Trinidad reel— that’s the second one on that reel today and it’s drags — needs work- we’ve got the tournaments coming up next week— we just had a double and that reel surges bad— needs work— Sure glad to do it— JD
Good luck tomorrow— have fun— JD
Aug the 30 2024, starts the weekend with a overcast sky but no wind— almost dead calm out there— as dozens of boats headed out for the long weekend— A check with the San Clemente Island Security’’s web site shows the Island is open for the most part throughout the weekend and Monday —gets active on Tuesdays— have fun- warm water in tight to the island—
Email this morning— Hey JD, Bill here on Eagle, got a solo fish this AM 3 off whites on a JD Bought ballyhoo, on a reel spun and serviced at JDs! Nice school size dish, Tough doing it solo, thank gif I have thrusters!
JD’s has rigged Ballyhoos in stock—
And Torpedo Rays—- that’s the second one I’ve caught in the past two days! He says’ Black almost purplish colored long rat type wippy tail and bat-wings that are electrified! —Yipes!!—— Yep— up to 35 Volts!!!!— they can knock you right out of the boat and have caused deaths to divers— Electric Rays they bring their wing together and ZAP!!! — know as Torpedo Rays— they are in our waters — just cut the line! Don’t fool with them__ they are not nice
More thoughts
Hook rigging# 101 for marlin---
it's all theory mind you- they (the fish) may be striking short one season, then climbing all over the jigs the next - Whacking them aggressively this morning or just tapping them with just the slightest interest later on. Single hook or double hooks- stiff rigged or free swinging or a mix of both. Which is right?
New ideas emerge or fade away each year, conceptions change. But the proven theory's over time prevails. The fish are built in a physical way , their mouths bills and jaw bones are always shaped the same, maybe even their philosophy remains the same. You can use these characteristics to improve the strikes and the solid hook ups-
Over the years I've developed my own theory - On the question of Single or Double hook Rigs. Double hooks hook or snag more fish, simply two hooks catch more things than one hook- they also catch more weeds and everything else in the water. They are a maintenance issue, you have to check them for weeds more often and keep the hooks straight within the skirts to swim well. Single hooks are easier to work with and will allow the lures to swim and look better in the water. The single hook drives well but it's hooking radius is limited. 6/0, 7/0, and 8/0 sized hooks are most common for Stripers, those fishing light lines of 16/ 20/30 lbs can fish the 6/0 and 7/0's well but an 9/0 is to big to drive. 50 and 60lb test lines can support the bigger hooks.
Striped Marlin have a fixed upper bill and a flexible lower jaw that clamps upwards, the inner roof of its mouth is the softest area to lodge a hook in or adjacent to it where that soft tissue joins the jawbone. Hooks have to find a home in that soft tissue, wrap around the rounded jawbone and hang or drive into the hard bill it's self. The style of hook must adopt to the bone or flesh.
One theory of mine and there are many- is that the fish either strike or take a lure presented to them- They like to "Strike" brightly colored lures (Oranges/bright Greens/Yellows/ Reds) and "Take" resembling or natural colored looking (mackerel colored, dark greens or dark colors) lures- and this method of attacking the lures require a different style of hook to be used. When Striking or bill whacking at a lure- a hook a curved-in barb style (7691S) catches, snags better than an opened throated one- which doesn't hit at the best angle as it bounces off. With an more resembling looking lure the fish try to "Take" or swallow /eat it from behind, the hook style (7732) with the bigger "bite" radius will catch deeper in the fishes mouth where it finds the softer tissue. It's all theory but is reasonable, JD
Aug the 29th 2024— Thursdays report- marine layer seaward, light wind from the west/southwest 4-6 kts— still nice weather—
Thursdays — beating the weekend crowd the marlin fleet was out early working the A Bank and towards the Rigs from there and those still interested in the tunas they’re still out there.
The Forgotten Art of Marlin Fishing— stretching back to the days of dragging flying fish and onward to dragging flying fish lures , spreader bars, dredges, daisy chained squids and dropbacked baits. In this past decade the art went away, except for a few old salty men and women. The sportfishng yachts with their long outriggers and portable cockpit chairs, flying gaffs and tail ropes and the assortment of many colored marlin jigs are things of the past. The Bluefin did that. Today’s influence of the striped marlin fishing is new to many. From how fast, which direction and why to what lures to use. Lures—- ahaa that’s a question. It’s still theory on the lure, hook, style, color, action but we’ve narrowed in down a bit— old school says dark days- dark colored lures, bright days -bright colored lures probably still holds true. Stiff hooked rigs seems to have an edge, hooks pointing up the preferred method, size and hooks always a challenge.
More tomorrow— JD
In looking at a marlin flag, the instructions on the back of the packages says,, marlin lures. Let run, set hook hard several times.!
Aug the 28 Wednesday- More marine cloud cover this am , wind very light— maybe 2 kts S/W seas calm, nice day quiet before the storm this weekend—
Morning radio checks,, yes your okay—and cargo workers
Tropical update—- So far this hurricane season it’s been good for the Eastern Pacific’s side. , what T/S that have developed have gone west, hope that pattern continues into the Fall season, although it’s very warm water in the Sea of Cortez, Standing by—
Boats and teams are getting ready for the upcoming tournaments and in general for the improved marlin fishing we’ve had,, all behind the boat it seems, or most of it— no tailers and only a few feeders reported , up real quick and gone, Smash and Grab as Randy would say — must be some environmental reason for them to act that way this season, thermocline, water clarity, temps, something — lots of hooks up —many fish throwing the hooks ,
Call this morning coming back from Avalon over the A Bank had a follow , dropback no bite but came up again on the other jig- dropped out — onwards home and a double on the jigs —wife on one and husband Mike on the other one— , 118:10/ 33:29 just outside the oil rigs drop off, his comes off while turning the boat— wife fights the other— till she says OK you take it— 12:15pm-, Low slack today 11:55
late afternoon report—- one for two and others caught off the Island and the A bank again —-today not many boats out —we went 2 for 5 bites he says— right were the water turned blue— 2 outside Avalon —had 30 jumps out of it— what time? just right after noon—
—Aug the 27th— - Tuesdays report—-Nice morning— soft morning clouds let the sun through mid morning— sea nice and calm wind light from the southwest—
Dog days of Summer— only a few boats out today— and not much reported on the radio— a kelp or two found but not much under them- some bait and a mola-mola, Where’s the summertime Dorado in all that hot water?—
Nice afternoon!!
What’s up Next!
Balboa Angling Club’s 43rd Annual Master Angler Billfish Tournament Sept. 6 and 7th
Pesky’s Gone Wild coming Sept 13th & 14thMail or Email Entry & SEND Payment ASAP To : Los Pescadores Fishing Club
WHOW This year’s event will be held Fri., Sept. 20 through Tue., Sept. 24. War Heroes on Water
Closed on Mondays — Dentist Yikes!!
Aug the 25th Sunday— Clear- light to fair morning southwest wind— backs of a bit throughout the day— lots of boats returning back into the harbors from the weekends outing—-Some flying marlin or tuna flags—- sunburnt gals on the foredeck sunning themselves— deep rumbling speed boats drowning out the chanting drunks in electric boats. Ahaaa the weekend crowd .
Reports of marlin catches in several areas- even off Palos Verdes, above the West end’s 286 area and off the East end of the island tight and off Avalon, 14 and Avalon mile banks held fish too—.
boats headed out towards the 209 area reporting finding kelps not not much under them— looking for the elusive Dorados and tails.
Overall a good weekend— the ladies got their taste of marlin fishing- fun as it is— they say it’s hours of boredom broken by seconds of insanity — weather for the most part was okay- westerly late in the afternoons— boat traffic in some of the better fishing spot’s some remarkable catches—two 4 1/2 hour battles on some of that old fashioned kite string 9 thread and a bamboo rod and reel pre 1950— 130+ marlin —-congrats!!— JD , quick thinking and winding in the ladies event resulted in a released marlin in just a few minutes— nice one—
Fun Weekend
AUG the 24 24, Sat and a fine morning it is, light southwest wind 4-6 kts , seas okay- small mix of seastate- lots of boats out— radio reports of shortbeak dolphins and commons outside Dana — lots of bait fish seen there too— one of these days the marlin will show up there— reports of tuna taken there ?
BAC’s ladies Tournament today—T/C Benefit also today—
Sounded like a boat out of Dana were marking schools of tuna (Yellowfin) just above the 267 around 1:25 this afternoon
Marlin boats spread out mostly off the East end and up above the West end , just above the 286 fathom spot, Weather better than expected—
Spent two three hours outside the Laguna Hospital 2-3 miles good marks but couldn’t get a bite—
Lots of boats out! — by the afternoon hours most of the boats were heading back into anchorage somewhere— half the fleet stayed near the East end of the Island several fish ( maybe half a dozen) released there today- the other half of the fleet ran up to the 286 area close to a dozen fish released there I think— weather played a part -
Good luck tomorrow if you get out— JD
Aug 23rd 2024 Friday again—- Morning cloud cover left early, light to fair southwind eddy effect- still blowing on the outside—- Marlin boats centered off the East end of the island—
Well I had a good time, accomplished all I wanted to do except catch a fish- or at least a large on—- ran down to Abalone Pt. early at dawn— hoped to catch a few green backed mackerel there but all I got was tangled bait rigs by the 1 lb bonitos- took off —out about a mile, shearwaters everywhere, charging herds of porpoise crisis crossing, waters turned deep rich purple blue, metered bait Looked real good— trolled daisy chained cedar plug and a rigged ballyhoo- for an hour but no bites, wished I’d had some mackerel to drift with— but no— headed up the coastline towards the drop-off outside Newport canyon— zigzaged trolled the hoo’s up to the offshore oil rigs - good upwelling current there and back again as the west wind and swell developed stronger- back down to the Newport canyon and put a rigged swordfish squid down to 1,000 feet, slow rowed couple hours along both sides of the shelf , no bites- did snag a large trash bag— that was it—- wind and swell grew and I headed home safe. gave it a shot!— JD —till next year—
BAC’s ladies Tournament tomorrow Sat— wish all the gals good luck— in times past, the first one to spot a marlin got to open a bottle of champagne- from then on they saw lots of em!
e mail report . We suck 0-3 yesterday. No fish behind boat yet but have seen some feeders and a sleeper less than a mile off Avalon
Wind turned west today— windy backside of Catalina tomorrow- stronger in the channel by mid afternoon , Sunday better—
Good luck this weekend—
FYI will be closed this Thursday (Aug 22) -
Aug 21 Wed’s report and again a busy day— Blue above, light south wind -seas Okay,
VHF calls JD’s Tackle you here- JD’s back—- we’re here 17 outside the Domes ( Dolly Pardons) just released a 175lb marlin— Congrats—- how’s the sealife down there? not much to see beautiful here this morning - warm 74 degrees Blind Strike-
How’d you do— all of our bites were before noon—- same here
Mid afternoon report from the island— Cowboy released three fish today— said others did well also!! no bait all behind the boat—
Full Day- what with winding line on reels, repairing a couple of them- tying knots in Linen lines and doubles on Dacron lines, frozen Ballyhoo’s being picked up and rigging marlin lures. selling squid and anchovies to the bay fishers and of course hats and t-shirts as always— long days as well as getting my tackle together— owning a tackle store — there’s no end to the stuff to take- or not—
Good luck to the Ladies Tournament this weekend and tomorrow’s Tuna Club Vintage Linen One and the Benefit on Firday and Sat— have fun JD
— Tuesday Aug the 20 and a busy dayl- late reports clear sky weather good seas good gonna blow Thursday bigger boats ok smaller boats not so good,
Congrats to to GJ Sacco on his 376lb Swordfish taken yesterday—taken on 80lb tackle—- nice catch!!
Boats at teams are gearing up for this weeks tournaments-
-T/C has their Linen One and the Benefit, BAC has the Ladies Tournament
Reports of some tuna marked under the porpoise outside Dana this morning wouldn’t bite anything—
And reports of several hooks ups off the East end— no West end report?
JD’s Closed on Monday
Sundays Report Aug the 18 2024— Better or at least clearing this AM as those morning clouds left early- wind light to fair
Hi JD, Royal Slam released one this morning off the Slide. Sally was the angler. Pink Eye Candy lure.= Best regards, Bob
Several other fish caught off the East end— reports also up again off the West end and back of the island at Cat canyon— it’s tournament time
Boats entering back into the harbor flying their laundry — even an albacore flag seen?
4 hours 15 minutes on 30lb tackle one of the toughes fish we’ve seen up here in Calif waters— never jumped— came in on a jig and took the dropback bait— tough fish— Alex the angler held on— came up just before the release— shinny not a brown spot on it— Released alive well and shinny—- Pacific Pioneer
Morning bite was slow— afternoon hours better— A Bank and inside from there to the Island held the fish— SBI?? farnsworth too!
this coming Thursday JD’s Will be closed— going fishing!
Sat Aug the 17th— A little more cloud cover this AM, light to fair morning wind from the south backs off mid morning— to a couple knts. Seas are good—
E mail from David this morning— saying making bait- green back mackerels at the harbor entrance west jetty— they left em biting—
33:16/ 117.43 Hot water and some tuna reported— might be a marlin there too
Morning High tide slack 9:23 came and went— this afternoon low at 1:54 then a rising tide till 8 pm this evening—
Marlin fleet moved to the East End— Tuna Fleet moved even further offshore towards the Cherry Bank and San Nicolas Is. and around 474 Bank inside the 119 line-
Hi JD, got my first marlin yesterday, East end of Catalina on a green/yellow Zuker. Thanks for all of your tips and advice!!!! Feel like a pro now. Jeff - Little Kolo
JD- Caught these 3 pigs (Bluefin) on the flyers i bought from you! thank you -Frank
Thanks JD.
Found one off west end on one of those drop back baits ( Ballyhoo) today. Missed the other one. David
Hi JD, Royal Slam had a double and released one off the East End. Best regards,Bob
Good luck tomorrow-JD
Fridays report Aug the 16th—Just like yesterday- marine clouds morning hours melts away mid morning— wind today stronger from the south 5-9 kts- seas okay light winc chop
Had one knockdown— didn’t stick —-the season of rubber hooks, as congrats went out to another boat minutes after that—who had just released a fish!
Waren— we just had a jig bite here— but it didn’t stick—- 1:50
Most of the marlin fleet- worked the West end- up and inside the island- VHF radio was maybe just out of range— although I did not hear much being caught bites but no fish— Escapada released one— Congrats !!
the Tuna Fleet working the Tanner Bank for the Bluefin and Yellowtails,,
Whale watchers report bait balls of anchovies outside Dana— waters real clear - Short Beaked Dolphns on them—
And the Full— Full Moon this weekend—
Good Luck have fun!— JD
— Thursday’s Report Aug the 15th 2024—- warm and sunny inland coastal marine clouds along the shoreline- melts away mid morning wind again from the south light to fair 5-6 7 kts-
Getting hot inside waters —cool waters outside Clemente
So Cal Tuna Club has a tournament today marlins and tunas— good luck to them
Making greenback mackerel tough these days— between the piers (Balboa and Newport) 30-40 ft a few green backs there— lots of micro bonito—-
We’re bit—- 2:15
Lone day and not much said on the radio— weather was great though waters warming up towards 75 degrees and greening up 152/ 277 etc
good luck tomorrow if you get out— JD
—— Wed’s Aug 14th report— again typical summer day— Light morning marine haze/ clouds backs off seaward— light south wind 2-4 -5 kts- seas good—
Common and shortbeak Dolphins off laguna 2-7 miles out—
and the afternoon hours the guy said there wasn’t any life at all from Dana to Newport not a bird to be seen— earlier in the day— yet another Broadbill swordfish seen locally— -
From the daily radio talk— lots of searching a few paddies that were empty and a reported marlin hook up —lots of small 1 lb bonitos at the island—
—— Tuesday—Aug 13th report— nice looking morning— hazy marine blue above wind light from the southwest 2-4 kts— several boats out scoutting—
Tides building for another quake! stand by—( moon and sun stretching the earth’s plates)
Boats out on the 209 reported not for them— yet 10:06— just north of the 181—- just baits and Mola-molas 10:17 and couple of free swimming dorados that’s about it—
52 and 32 Kelps with yellowtails 12:54— 40 over 54 too
If I hears it right he was saying swearing it was a Blue Marlin!!—-
Couple other rubberhook bites today too—
Better luck tomorrow— getting nice out there— \\\
Closed on Mondays— Lot’s of yard work—- While Vick and his brother Steve after spending the night at the Island- start out again monday morning off the west end of the island— a triple! fish into the daisy chain- a drop-back bit— jigs are bit— light lines are stretched out-100,200 300 yds+ the fish keeps grayhounding—another boat it trying to bait it- got to release two of them— Congrats— JD
And Sundays here too—-Aug 11th— again light marine haze to the sky- winds are light from the south— seas calming w/ light wind ripple on it—
Water temps warming on the inside south, outside the cooler water temps creating condensation thus cloud cover.
The fleets working the inside of the island— rubber hooks !
Marlin reported off San Mateo Pt 7 off the beach yesterday— attacking a daisy changed cedar plug- good sized fish !
Swordfish tides today— stand by— 2:10 they’ll float, as well as the marlin will be up feeding— 2:04
tide came and went— marlin fishing reported slow by catalina— though- two or three were taken released outside San Mateo— 4 -7 off the beach- under kelps!
And it’s Saturday again—Aug the 10th morning haze, wind light to fair from the west— some capping early—
We’ve still got quite a few miles to go— got to go and get back in the gyros— all they way out to the 43 up to the 181 not much —clean blue water coldest we found was 72.1 mostly 73, haven’t seen much a little stuff above the 43,, seen Risos, Makos, marlins, but no kelps— dosen’t look all that encouraging— 2:51pm
Couple of marlin bites by Catalina so far- and as the day went on the late afternoon report— there were maybe a Dozen marlins released—- Swagger shows how it’s done with triples, Kai Kane also in there with lots of releases, Pacific Pioneer does it again- going 4/2/1 for the ladies and half a dozen other bites for the fleet—- not a big area, , fish up with the tide —not much metered bait— most of it’s up behind the boat—jig fish or a dropback
Good weather on the inside of the island- too!
—Fridays Aug 9th report—-
hazy blue- wind light to Med S/SW 3-5kts- Nice size sets of swells pushing through — Surf’s Up— Cowabunga!!
AIS shows a few boats working the Catalina Escarpment, back side of the island’s deeper water marlins tunas? Not much seen so far
-=- The fish tunas 10 behind Clemente came up late in the afternoon yesterday— big ones
The War Heroes on Water tournament is dedicated to honoring our nation’s greatest heroes helping them heal from the emotional and the physical wounds of war
This year’s event will be held Fri., Sept. 20 through Tue., Sept. 24.
Scratchy radio report out of SD saying he’s traveled 35 miles before finding any kelps—-!
Pending Womans World record White Sea Bass on 80lb tackle 51 lbs
Coastal whale watchers seeing an late afternoon bait frenzy outside south newport’s coast 100 ft -200 ft depth—
Yesterdays the WHOW Tournament had their Captains meeting going over the rules and what’s expected of the boats and concerns of the Vets discussed—- the fleets getting bigger each Year - Become involved if you can- One of the best things this harbor has ever done— thanks Anthony and Team- JD
Thursdays Report—Aug 8th Typical summer day- few morning clouds light south wind turned light west in the pm
Reports of a Broadbill jumping Butterfly” outside the Balboa Pier mile and a half— better get the heavy tackle out— JD’s sells Rigged Squid—
Radio scratch at best speaks of chasing the bluefin or may have been Yellowfin- with the porpious and a few birds - maybe Oceanside area??
Northern waters are not seeing a whole lot of metered bait— once in a while a ball or Sauries will pop up on the slack times— Marlin will be on them— old timers say tough to get the marlin to take a cast bait to them while there feeding on the Sauries—they, sauries like to jump out of the water and the marlin can’t afford to take their eyes off them for a splashed bait near them.. Northern waters are holding swordfish—but most of it is spotter plane sub surface fish
Southern waters are holding Yellowfin and Dorado and yellowtails— stand by
Up Coming BAC Ladies Tournment and the Masters Stand by!
Ahaa the day gets a little brighter— Reports of a Swordfish, Jumper “ Butterfly” off our coast—- time to get the heavy tackle out— JD
Aug the 6th Tuesdays—- Starts off foggy— thick pea soup- 61- 62 degree water offcolor and not bait to be fou;nd,, a few up off the Newport Canyon sardines and small macks— took a while for it to burn off— by lat afternoon up to 65 degrees- coastal fishin on the slow side— Offshore there’s a concentrations of warm water off the East end of Cat to Long Point
Double Hook up—-Released fish today. Alex Langston Lure fish. 30#. 3:15 Long Point area. Went 3-2-1 today. Very little surface action. The fish were in 71 deg water and clear.— Congrats-— JD
Closed on Mondays—House and yard work—
And it’s Sunday —Aug the 4th another nice warm day— some marine haze seaward- a few lazy overhead clouds, wind light from the west/southwest- small mix of swells- otherwise nice— very nice—
said there were spots of tuna breaking 4 south of the Avalon Bank— 9:44am
Shortpeaks ( dolphins) outside Main Beach 2 miles— Whale watchers seeing Blue Whales, Fin-back Whales and Dolphins and Dorados— down off Dana way—
Congrats—- you hooked em right on that little bubble- mark right on the numbers— I’d sen feeder there- congrats— 2:12 Another fish lost at the boat—
it’s coming above you it’s solid white caps— we can see it coming —- and that afternoon Newport slop came in-mid afternoon
The weekend proved good for the tuna anglers who made it out yesterday- scores of angling feats made , angling clubs with their light lines did well 150 lb fish on 30 lb tackle-!
And it’s Saturday- warm and sunny light west 3-5 at best- seas okay-
Lots or radio talk so far- yesterdays 72 was dirtied up with some profanity— wasn’t needed, nor wanted—
Boats this morning speaking of some of the larger 150-200 lb tunas further to the west , smaller schools were on the baitschools
Water on the inside of the island looks nice and blue— inside the 100 ft curve sea grass and some weed fouled the jigs— outside that ( shrimp buoys) that shelf held a few marlin— Pacific Pioneer release one— jig fish, and Cowboy’s fish,Teri had a good fight, went into Avalon to lick they’re wounds— Bob and Sally had another one came loose at the boat- water 70 degrees not a whole lot of bait metered
Said the bluefin were up— foamer— hooked two on the poppers lost one landed one— 3:39 Low Slack tide today 3:07 tides turned—
SD bait was rolling as it turned 72 some squid being made in the “Cove” good for the yellows
Congrats to Provider and Surly Mermaid for their released yesterday— Bob H said most of the action was along the inside of the island ( Cat) from Long Point up— along the 100 fathom line— almost all of it came up from behind the boat —no surface , tailers, feeders etc, Jig fish or teased up on the daisy chained squids and dropbacks
“Hi JD, A pretty one today on Surly Mermaid.” Ali
Friday Aug the 2nd 2024- Again morning clouds left leaving some high tropical still , wind light + from the west seas okay with a light west swell, and a long period from the south - Couldn’t get them to go— some dorado under a paddy on the 14 this morning—-
Slow so far for the boats out fishing marlins — inside of Catalina
making bait this morning ( Friday/ Newport) water dropped to 61-62 degrees overnight— lots of sardines but no green-backed mackerels - JD’s has Rigged Ballyhoos in stock ( great for that dropback bait)
VHF radio air waves— sometimes makes it through the gap of Catalina’s Isthmus - “seeing schools of 40- 100+ tuna but we couldn’t get a bite”
Lots of boats out— not many scored Slack tides came- went bait was up birds flying but that was it— maybe it’s a late afternoon event bite?
Thursdays report July- ops now August the 1st 2024— moons 1/4 and darkening— Hurricanes down south will be assisting the northward flow of the the California counter-current, first of wind, then swells then current,
Overcast for most of the morning hours—- wind light to fair from the west/southwest 4-5 kts- seas okay- looks like a lot of the bigger yachts were heading out today and several deep sea divers with there heavy spearguns
a mile of common dolphins off Laguna to Newport—10 am
E-Mail—- Hi JD. Left for Catalina Monday. Not being well connected with the marlin fishing community, the only intel I could find was on your website saying something like "P. P. says he went 2,2,0 a couple miles off Long Point". I was there yesterday in my little 26ft boat and found a nice one that completely kicked my ass. My arms are still a couple of noodles.
Going public with accurate marlin intel really helps the little guys like me so I want to say thank you and keep it coming. My next trip should be in 1 to 2 weeks but I follow your website every day. Keep up the good work and stay healthy. Michael.
Whatever it was it was bigger than a dolphin!! 30.9 47.9 10:53 Birds and about a 1,000 dolphins—
And a couple of Albacores taken from a SD boat— 30 lbers—
Lots of 30/40lb bluefin— foamers off Backside of the island— best lures were 6” stick baits—-
A lot of generic 67 degree, clean blue water with nothing in it—- made a few baits at the harbor entrance this morning— ran to the East end— back around the backside of the island ran up the 100 fathom curve up almost as far as the Isthmus ( what boats seen were heading further off the island towards SBI ) back again down the Ridge towards the macheral into the 277 —in back over the 14 — best life mile and a half off Newport— Making bait, Macks, out of Newport— from the jettys up to the piers- 60- 80 ft—
Wed’s Report July the 31 2024— We’ve lost 35 minutes of su
n since the 21 st of June—- Morning overcast sky starting to thin out by mid morning hours here on the beach— wind still light from the south turning west this afternoon - Only hear one boat today— scratchy— maybe coming around the East end— “had the jigs out — haven’t seen S*%##t”. Nice weather
Tuesdays Report July 30th 2024—- Coastal marine clouds— backed seaward towards the early mid day— wind light from the South— looks nice out there— Tides are beginning to mellow out—with some nice mornings high and a afternoon’s filling tide — Nice time of the summer months.
Coastal waters 67 degrees - fair to good calicos
Nice day— from a scratchy report water cooled down off back side of the island?
Closed on Monday, Afternoon spent with Grandson #2, Nice halibut on a drifted squid—
Sunday— July the 28th—- La Nino strike again ! as the water takes a turn downwards, reports as low as 62 degrees Yikes!!! Coastal marine clouds breaking up early mid morning— wind light/ south seas Okay some mix in there—
PP went 2,2- 0 — couple miles off Long Point— another one released on the 14 earlier this morning— other than that pretty quiet on the radio today— boat that went west found cooler water a good temp break but no bait, birds—
Looks like things will get concentrates— warmer warmer moving into bottom of Clemente- inside- good luck JD
reported 6 off Dana yellowfin— ?
Sat’s report— July the 27th— back side of the moon- The marine layer came in early last night stayed with us here on the each towards the noon hours , wind slight from the south 3-4 kts— seas Okay not real good but okay- short mix of seastate - light wind ripple on it. lots of boats out—- searching-Not much radio traffic so far— some sealife seen on the 267 - yellows spotted under kelps no takers
Sounded like a marlin was released on the 14 1:57 this afternoon maybe the Xiphias?—
PP called in —-they made a tack all the way south of the harbor to almost Oceanside —73 degree and no life— clean water but no life—-
3:25 another feeder up—- behind you—Slack was at— 3:04pm
Seemed like that was it for the day—
Friday—July 26th— Hey-!— it’s Friday again and the Summer’s weekend is at hand— enjoy it— morning hours here on the beach light overcast that melted away early , what wind there is, is from the south 2-4 kts very nice out there this morning— you should be there- Both yachts, sailors and smaller skiffs headed out the harbor this AM making it a long weekend— Avalon should be busy—
A check with the San Clemente Island Security’s web site shows the “Cove”/SHOBA to be open this weekend— got a yellow — just south of the 14 under a paddy— dozen boats showed up—diver went it— that was it—
Water off the East end/ Slide got a little bumpy this morning water temps dropped to 67.1 and offcolor white cappy there now- 11:30 am— boats had worked up the line towards the A Bank and up towards the inside of the island— and it looks to have dropped a bit and concentrated back towards Oceanside. Thought’s — with yesterday’s west wind reflects there may be a general thin thermocline in the So Bight with a pool of deeper warm water closer to the beach—
Long day—- and a different day— said he’s only seen one jumper and maybe someone had a bite—- different day—
Bob Wiki- Wiki had the Yellowfin up off Aliso this afternoon schools of em 29/ 47 —3:09
Thursdays July the 25th 2024— Starts out calm
morning— Westerly picked up mid morning—- pushing 10 kts by 10 am
Said he was 6 off the Point ( Dana) 72 and seeing breaking fish— 10:53 Kelp held some marks 25 ft down— but no takers yet—- said chunking got them the other day—
They’re still here— we baited four of them here this morning-
First one’ed released— Congrat- Bruce— we’ve still got a couple of them hanging—-3:09
never seen on get that far out of the water 10- 12 ft—- whale watcher w/ Humpback- 3:11
Second one released 3:12
We went 1 for two,
The day went well for the billfishers— Prospector ends up with a a pair released—- Swagger had five releases and another one later on- another boat headed back to the barn had a fish released , East end / Slide the Kiddy Pond— late in the afternoon another Indian attack with 6 or 7 fish up behind the spread -
West most of the day—
Wed’s Report- July 24th— Wind again from the west, fair at 10+kts seas ok but have a wind chop on them and a west smal short perod swell, mixed seas
One more tack— he says—Solo —- off the East end of the island—starting to get a little sloppy towards the noon hour today— one more tack inside closer to Church— and Indian Attack- all 4 lines go off and he’s able to get a drop back in— Nuts!, bait fish hangs- it’s off and running- the other trolling rods- two are still on, managing to keep the boat straight, the lines straight and the fish under somewhat of control, figures the dropback is a Circle hook it should hang— but the fish is soon lost in the battle- the other rods still have fish on them! Grabbing the reel with the most line- he’s able to get that fish up and released, the other line still on and able to get that fish close to the boat, get a couple wraps on the leader a solid pull and the hook come free!— Congrats— JD solo with a Double—
Hi JD, We released a fish Monday 17/14 off the slide. Alex Langston (16) 1st Marlin was caught on 30#. Hook up was 3:13 released at 4:00. Doug Williams was the leaderman with a clean and healthy fish.
Overall, very little bait but water held 71-73. The fish was in the 71d more in the bluesh conditions. The warm water held too much jellies / Planktons. Saw some YFT near the 277 in the afternoon - no takers with the cider plug.
Caught on a KK lure and thank you for the tackle. Dave
Tuesdays July the 23rd 2024—- Clear sunny and wind from the west early light marine haze seawards—
Yellowfin he said— up chasing bait— 9:43 am, Radio report was loud— fish off Laguna to Dana it seemed— by late morning hours several of the smaller skiffs returned to the harbor— having spent the morning chasing dreams of fish— no flags were flying— saying 10 off the beach- of San Onofree- good temp break up to 72/+ starting to see more sealife— 12:06, Fished the 181, 182 found only on Dodo not much there—
Sounded like a fish was either released or caught—- congrats given— 1:38 Slack Hi was at noon—
Couple of boys ( Young men) came in the shop this afternoon— showing off a few photos of the Yellowtails they caught— 3 for 8 he said— lost em’ on the kelp— All really nice sized 30+lb fish—
Don't miss this Thursday's 7/25 Tuna Seminar & Potluck at the Balboa Angling Club!
Afternoon—- bite-? 26/ 45 said it was everywhere- they had one going—- 29/45
Wind backed off and turned southwest for the afternoon hours— nice— Never can tell about radio report’s some fools say stuff just to be mean !
Closed on Mondays went Grunion hunting late at night— found a few w/ grandson— “One more” he says as the midnight wore on!
Sundays report July the 21st—- Warming inland and better sky today— wind still from the west/southwest maybe 4-6 kts— seas have a short lump to them— A congrats went out early—— maybe a billfish released — Boats inside the 267 say not much going on there— likewise on the 14 reported no show yet either 10:52 — Mornings High Slack Tide 10:59 Standing by—
Tides begin to build again this week
-Inner waters from Point Mugu to San Mateo Pt. CA including Santa Catalina and Anacapa Islands
724 AM PDT Thu Mar 27 2025
W wind 5 to 10 kt, becoming 15 to 20 kt with gusts to 25 kt this afternoon. Strongest western portion. Seas 2 to 4 ft. Wave Detail: W 3 ft at 10 seconds and S 2 ft at 15 seconds. Patchy fog this morning.
W to NW wind 10 to 20 kt, becoming 15 to 25 kt with gusts to 30 kt. Seas 8 to 10 ft. Wave Detail: W 9 ft at 13 seconds and S 2 ft at 15 seconds. Patchy fog in the morning.
W to NW wind 10 to 20 kt, becoming 15 to 25 kt in the afternoon. Seas 7 to 10 ft. Wave Detail: W 9 ft at 8 seconds and SW 2 ft at 16 seconds.
W wind 10 to 15 kt, becoming SW 5 to 10 kt in the afternoon. Seas 3 to 5 ft. Wave Detail: W 4 ft at 7 seconds and S 2 ft at 17 seconds. Patchy fog in the morning.
SE wind 5 to 10 kt, becoming SW 10 to 15 kt in the afternoon. Seas 3 to 5 ft. Wave Detail: W 4 ft at 10 seconds and S 2 ft at 16 seconds. Patchy fog in the morning.
a cold front moving southward along the California coast is slated to move into the northern waters Fri morning, and widespread fresh to strong NW winds will occur offshore of the peninsula in the wake of the front into early Sat. A long-period NW swell associated with the front will promote rough seas in this region through this weekend, with seas in excess of 8 ft expanding southeastward to offshore of southwestern Mexico on Sat. Peak seas of 12 to 14 ft can be expected north of Cabo San Lazaro early Fri through Sat. Seas will diminish from northwest to southeast early next week. Otherwise, gentle to moderate winds are expected in the Gulf of California .
For Sale—-
1983 Bertram 42 Convertible For Sale—
Contact Wayne Harvey with Olson Yacht Group at 949.402.8730 or, or see additional descriptions, details and extras on the YachtWorld listing. The vessel is located in Huntington Harbor.
From Friday— “Hello JD, I fished on my brother Bill’s boat, SHOWTIME on Friday, July 19, 2024. Bait out of HH was not there. We had a great day. Lost a solid jig bite at 11:00. Crimp slipped. My bad! Threw on a Swordy at 12:00. 6 casts with a small Bonito on 30 pound. Had a double on short corner at 2:45. One fell off. Released the other at 3:15. First Flag for DAC. Fished until 5:30. One of the rigger lures had new bill marks on lure. We did not see this fish as it got a little rough. Swagger worked the North end of bank and we worked the south side.” Thank you, Bob W
Looks like all that warm water pushed in towards the beach off and below Dana->> Lost a fish under a paddy— good sized fish— Yellow? just south of the 267
I‘ve been here all day — off Laguna —- tried baits, MAD MAX’S poppers, soaked baits, colt snipers the works they just don’t want to bite — 2:47
radio check — loud on the 14 — boat on the 14 any life—- no nothing here at all,,, OK thanks 209 chimed in nothing out here either it’s dead 74 off San Onofree
All the warm water fishes will be concentrated—
Sat and a foggy morning it is—- July the 20 and Pea Soupy in places—1/2 to a mile vis at 30 /48 6 off the beach- looks to clear off further offshore—Full Moon has the tides in full swing
Whale watchers (AKA Dolphin searchers) were sharing info on what they were seeing above and below the dolphins , saying if they were slapping their tails it generally meant there were fish under them — 31/46
Weather wise for tomorrow— 4-5 ft swell 8-9 sec period behind Cat and southwards—swelly
Dolphins, Minki whales and a mass amount of sealife there, above the Dana Harbor late yesterday afternoon—
30/54 ——23/46 20 /40, said the dolphins pods were starting to come together— some 150 of em’ and building—-21/39— 1:30 —— Slack Low tide today— 2:47 Standing by
lots of bottle nosed dolphins, 26.3 /48.1 4:42
Sun came out after noon— wind from the west developed-10-12-15 kts— light wind chop—- not much said on the radio on tunas catches nor marlins—but they were there— just hiding— Good amount of bait seen off Laguna—
Nice afternoon as that wind backed off and tide filled——
Fridays report—July the 19th— - Morning overcast again— starts to brighten up towards the noon hours— light south wind if any 2-4 kts- seas calm—
Fish report— Richard made the run this AM out and south of Newport— Dolphins everywhere with undisturbed balls of anchovies in the green water- green all the way till outside Dana- where it warms up from 67 to 71 degrees and turns blue-and even spots a Loggerhead Turtle! no tuna marks under the dolphin seen between here and there— and not many boats— a few outside Dana—- looking themselves— Slack high this AM at 9:30 this afternoon Low at 2:00 standing by-
Marlin lost this morning — and a congrats on the radio- 4:07
Afternoon incoming tide seemed to help althought yesterdays sunshine might have also helped then, oday overcast for the day- even threats of fog— wind stayed light all day-
by 5pm birds and bait again began to gather- looking better that any other part of the day -so far—
First Fish for the BAC in with Swagger—First fish released and First fish Kept- - nice catch— reported they had several fish up in the spread— one released and one kept- looking good for the Season—- Congrats— three years in a row! Says They Had and Indian attack— all you wanted—- had a Quad on- two fell off —-got one and released the other one—- all baits were covered up with multitude fish—-
Got a swordfish up—-5:44
San Clemente— the Cove is open this weekend— and very good fishing there they say— the Tunas both ends but more inside and west end of the island, Yellows and Basses and WSB too-
Thursday’s report — July 18th Still overcast — like June only a bit warmer— wind fair from the west/southwest 4-6 kts light texture on the water and a mix of swell in there - radio reports though scratchy were of chasing the dolphins and tunas— nice sized ones he said- maybe the 181 area-
It was on the natural cedar plug daisy chain— had it on for a while - got off- painful- driving around find the birds— the fish were with them—12:09
Slack Tide (low ) today 1:00pm standing by— waters 71.3 — I’ve got marks at 100 feet down— got a bait out soaking it — once you find the birds— stick with them—-foamers - you just get that fish— from here off Dan all the way down to the 14— you get that on a clear popper ?— no 135 silver and blue Halco— 4:02 lost an 80lber earlier
Yikes—Well Bruce — don’t see any flags flying as they come by the dock heading in this afternoon—- Long day he says—- —Tore the reel right off the rod!!!—- out looking for the marlins and they spot a swordfish—- make a cast to it and it eats—- 4 hours later the reel gets ripped off the rod— lugs tore out— a quick repair of Zip-ties helps for a while but the battle was lost—-est 7 ft between tail and dorsal- Est 500lbs—! Yikes—
Local boys bring in an est 150 lb Bluefin— small skiff and tough battle- congrats JD
Wed’s Report- July 17 = Overcast and cooler- wind from the south / southwest 5-10 kts— light chop building swells couple boats in early gesturing the bass catches were only fair— with hands spread only a foot or so—
Boats were out chasing Yellowfin this morning— or at least out looking for them—
A little chunky out there today— mix of swell and wind
28/ over 48 bottlenosed dolphins—
Tuesdays report — July the 16th 2024- Morning marine clouds, wind from the south fair and a short period 3-4 ft swell from the west- a little uncomfortable and there’s no Mackerels to be caught-locally— the water turned over by this mornings- water temps along the shoreline dropped 6-10 degrees— up welled and cooled— tells us the Thermocline is shallow this season— cooler water underneath and a pocket of warm water on the top— easily disturbed from wind and swell — on the plus side the bait won’t be as deep and more surface action to be seen —
Filling moon and tides this weekend -
Light west this afternoon - 6- 10 kts + skies cleared off— still some marine haze seawards—
Not much said on the radio today—
Closed on Mondays —— Lot’s and lots of yard work- no fishing
Sunday July the 14- 24 - Calm morning - light overcast - nice day on the water — wind is from the west 2-4 kts seas calm- light texture to it with the light wind-
We were just following the birds when they came up — big boys — tied on a popper - 40? 10:35
Just left em— 30.2/49.00
I wont be able to sleep tonight thinking about that one that got away— 11:05
Marlin — marlin — Released on 20 lb tackle — 28/ 54 1:45pm — came up on the teasers, got a dropback ballyhoo bait to it— missed it first then came back on it — kai Kane, Connie and the dog
5 outside Laguna — chasing birds and tunas — got slammed one — missed it —12:45
Took the granddaughter out for an afternoon fish last Wed. Didn’t get the post up. She caught a nice calico off Arch Rock though - dog was pleased.
Saturday July the 13 2024 — coastal marine clouds seems to be fading away early- we’ll see- wind still out of the south 4-5+ Kts seas okay-Lots of boats out fishing today — from bass to bluefin and all in between- Good Luck- JD
Not really a early start — getting out of the harbor towards the 8 am morning hour — got a mile and a half out- water still on the green side- lots of bait metered— dolphins with tuna marks below them— sardines dropped down quick— no bites— fast moving dolphins - Catalina had no shortage of bass- lots of em
reports of Tom B with a giant Bluefin tuna two hour battle on 30 lb Dacron!
work schedule- finished up with a collection of rods and reels— all cleaned up, new line and ready to fish the season
RIP Hammer — JD
Full News day — Friday’s report July the 12th —Starts out overcast and glassy seas— Nice- stayed pretty much overcast for the day— wind picked up around the noon hours west , backed off southwest 3-5 kts afternoon,
Radio stayed quite till mid afternoon as that tide started to top off-
“Right here— right here— right by you—- yellowfin here—- on your port side— 2:40 pm they’re here—- Slack tide today 3:17 pm—- 25/52 3:24 pm
Been a while since we’ve seen tuna flags flying as boats head back into the harbor
Swaggers flying one this afternoon— down outside the Domes— had it all to ourselves—- 50lber climbed all over the jig—
Pair of sleepers spotted in the precautionary area just outside the port of Los Angeles on Monday. 70.0* water. Had to serve to miss em! Woke them up as they went down the side of the boat at 20kts. Tyler on “La Dorada”
Thursday’s Report- July 11 2024—-Still overcast here on the shoreline— wind light from the south ;west seas calm— some marine haze seawards—
Fish report from Hoose- yesterday—- Hey JD, Off Newport 4 miles yesterday at 4:30pm testing a power steering issue when one of the @newportcoastadventures boats pulls up next to us and says there are yellowfin on the dolphin just outside us…
Quickly deployed a couple Tailchaser daisy chain jet heads and on about the third pass had yellowfin come up busting bait amongst the dolphin and one of the trolling outfits gets ripped. Had the fish to deep color and pulled the hook – looked 30-40 lb. grade. Got back on the hunt but unfortunately a couple pleasure boats managed to break up the school. Was fun to see some tuna local
Water was 71-72 and blue. Tight lines Bob Hoose
half a dozen boats out there today—- searching finding baitballs, birds - but no tunas reported caught — yet— Stayed overcast all day—
Wed’s report July the 10th 2024 — June Gloom — July Junk— overcast and light drizzle this AM— wind from the south 3-7 kts light wind chop on it—
Weather forecasted to stay steady N/W outer waters for at least the next 10 days— that N/W wind continues all the way down the Baja peninsula ( might curtail some of the California Current from pushing too hard while coming up the beach)
The next ENSO Diagnostics Discussion is scheduled for 11 July 2024.
Today’s projects, work / service a dozen various reels from baitcasters to Internationals, they all have problems- sometimes they look good on the outside and inside— rubbish! one at a time- clean and replace a couple guides on the matching rods. sell Hats and T- Shirts- help a have dozen kids with there all-tangled up rods and reels and set them up correctly- Anchovies and squids to most of em’ and a few bay lures to boot .
SD tuna boats w/ images of breaking schools of Pacific Bluefin Tunas - hope they move closer to Newport one day—
Tuesdays Reports July 9 — Coastal still a bit on the overcast weather —till around noon - seas calm but there’s a swell in there- some from the south , deeper and some from the west good visibility from the gray skies
Coastal waters above newport— making mackeral and sardiens no problem— between the piers , above there the art reefs and structuire spots all the way to Long Beach should be active with the sand and calico bass— tossing plastics or using the baits should all be good - waters are warm and pleanty of bait in it—
Good Yellowtails off the backside/ east end of the island 20-25lbs fish
Closed on Mondays— Went Broadbill Swordfishing and looking for marlins— saw none- a couple Mola Molas and a small shower of 2-3 inch sauries- waters blue a mile out ended up with half a dozen nice calios on the beach- nice day-
Sundays report July the 7th —- the mornings sun trying to break through the coastal marine clouds— wind from the south/southeast 3-5 kts- seas okay-
Well it’s not totally unexpected— the reports of Striped Marlins in out local wartes—- it just needed further conformations—- they’re there— but unwilling to strike the lures or baits yet—- —- and so are the White Sharks,, Just had one go under the boat!! ( he needs a bigger boat) 6-7 fter
Marlins— their migratory travels, still in question ? are they up from Mexico or coming around from the Northwest via the waters off Hawaii following a clockwise path in the Eastern Pacific.? Probably both ways—
Coastal halibut fishing off Long Beach good- smaller fish but fun—
Even a reported 488 lb Swordfish caught—yesterday— just below Clemente— and reported Tunas big ones near the east end of Clemente—today—
Slack tide ( Low tide) today—- 4:33 , 3:33 we just had one of your kind up—- Marlin— 19: 07 lot — Lots of mackerels up between the 152 and the 14 mile bank today—- 3:35
Marlin or a swordfish just baited - swam away—-didn’t take it 3:37
Elephant seal just popped up his head— aught to be one fining shortly 3:41
Stand by for action—-! JD
Saturday July the 6th overcast a light drizzle- wind from the south 5-7-9 kts— seas a bit bumpy light wind chop- not as much fun as one would want for July weather—
Bass on the HB flats were biting— offshore there were a couple of boats out searching for swordfish and —— marlin?? tunas were up off the west end of Clemente
and there may be a few yellows under what paddys that were found— even a dorado reported-—
After searching for most of the day— criss crossing likely looking areas— radio chatter were of kelps and maybe yellows— a splash here- there—- the 2:00 pm hour and the lowering of the tide— got a meatball up here— terns likely looking— standing by for a billfish report—-2:02
So far— 12- 15lb yellowtails and were seeing dorados! 100 yards off my starboard— you wont miss it— its loaded—
Warming water temps up to 73 degrees, and the report of a Dorado off the Domes/oceanside being caught- catalina OK but many boats the calicos bit well thats about it— and what commercial squid boats there were were reluctant to help the sports-
The fifth of July- Friday and still lots of folks out and about—
Dolphin hunters finding a large pod of them 31/ 40 outside Dana—heading north
Some larger but mostly smaller 2- 5 footers Makos in the water—- taking trolled lures—- mad maxs—
We got called in on one— got withing 200-300 yds of it and it jumped twice and never fined after that—— you seeing anything— only a couple more of those smaller makos—
Reports of those bonitos were around the 14— I think- 5-6 off the island (cat) boats reported good signs of sealife-terns hovering around etc- the bass were biting at the islands too
no whales around these days—
And the Forth Of July!!! and typical coastal marine clouds morning and afternoon hours—- wind light form the S/W 2-5 kts —seas some mix to them—
Lots of folks out —lots of em'‘
Wizz—- Bang—- Boom!!!! —-all night long—-
Wed’s Report July the 3rd — Standing by for the fireworks— todays coastal weather — overcast and staying that way for the better half of the day— wind light from the south this AM turned SW - West afternoon hours.
AIS shows several boats working west of the end of Clemente Island—the tribute checking in. 14 Bluefin up to 180 pounds last night from that area— 33:02 / 118:46 —-33:04 / 118:54
Lots of boats heading to the island this AM—
and returning from SCI with need of a fillet knife -
Tue- Wed busy
Closed on Mondays
Sunday June the 30 and it’s June Gloom— soon to become July Junk— wind light from the west/southwest 4-7 kts seas okay
Cleared off towards the noon hours- westerly pick up to a light wind- the oceans covered with —???Salps are related to sea squirts, they're not jellyfish. They're ... Salp, they feed on algae blooms and phytoplankton.
And it’s Saturday— June the 29th— We’ve lost 2 minutes of sunshine so far— mostly in the morning minutes, coastal marine layer backing off towards the mid morning hours leaving sunshine— light south wind - seas okay- folks everywhere- Radio reports of both sand and calicos being caught
Mexico weather a weak pressure gradient over the area will generally maintain mostly gentle breezes and moderate combined seas across the Mexican offshore waters through Mon. By Mon night through Tue, moderate to fresh winds and moderate to rough seas are forecast to affect the Baja California offshore waters. A surface trough along the Baja Peninsula and a tighter pressure gradient will lead to moderate to fresh SE winds along the Gulf of California Tue afternoon through Wed
It’s Eastern Pacific Hurricane Season—May 15 to November 30.——Lots of moisture building up in the Central America’s— Standing By— (See Below)
I wouldn’t be surprised if there weren’t schools of Bluefin making their way westwards up the backside of Clemente— Cherry Bank?
Several boats back into the harbor this afternoon flying yellowtail flags—- !! west wind in the PM
It’s Friday the 28 of June— my it went by fast— for many it starts a long extended time off all the way until after the 4th! - Wind again from the south a bit stronger this AM 5-7-10 kts seas comply with a light wind chop from the south and there’s a short period swell moving in from the west— enough to milk up the waters off the backside of cat and some backwash from the swells, - AIS shows the tuna fleet- working outside of SD towards the 43 and the Corner, US/MEX reported schools of Pacific Bonito on the 14 mile bk,-5-6 lbers—
Went back to an pleasant overcast sky today wind still from the southwest 5-kts- radio is quiet- this coming week things will get busy all ready boats headed to Avalon to snage an anchorage while they can— Boats were saying Mola— Molas were everywhere!
Whalers say a couple of Blue Whales coming up the line from San Clemente, bait schools and bird life revealed the areas 24 over 42.5 weather improved again later in the afternoon-
Salps are related to sea squirts, they're not jellyfish. They're ... Salp, they feed on algae blooms and phytoplankton.
June the 27 Thursdays report——- a little more overcast today—wind from the southeast 2-5 kts seas calm — we’ll take the calm weather anytime— oceans’s still warming up day by day—
Party boats fishing the sculpins and bottom stuff to help fill the bags—
A gathering yesterday at the “Coop”- a bunch of old salts calling themselves “Goats” — sorry I missed it— Guess I’m a Goat too- Next time—
Waters warmed up considerably- with the thoughts of yellows under the paddies and the possibility of Bluefin tunas or whatever‘s out there to show up— Note; the advancement of the pelagic red crabs-working thee way up from Cedros Island
Boats off Oceanside reported— looks real good— 12/ 38
while other were headed out towards the West end of the islands
Wed’s June the 26, Southerly this AM, 5-7,8,9 kts, deeper marine layer seawards , light wind ripple on the waters surface-
Approaching strong gale from the Northwest due to bring 30-40 kts of wind Central Calif. with a swell behind it
The upcoming weekend Clemente Islands looks open from Midnight Friday on through the weekend and into Monday— Tuesday and Wed’s there’s some day time activity then the Cove and SHOBA is open through the 4 th of July on through the following weekend = check with the San Clemente Island Security’s Web site to confirm— have fun—
Reported good Yellows and some Sea Bass off the East end of the Island—
Coastal fish reported slow today by a couple of boats, WSB and Halibuts were sought after— but not found nor hooked nor caught— Sardines were around but the green-backed backed were scares
Tuesdays July/ sorry June the 25th Warm and hot too!!! early morning sky brought clear blue above- coastal light west/ southwest wind early- heat from the land draws it in— waters warming nicely- bait seems to be abundant— even anchovies schools around —
On the backside of the moon now— see what that delivers in the way of fish actititivy-
Bottle nosed Dolphins outside Laguna— a whale there too-
warming water—- making bait tougher —sardines and smaller mackerels hard to find this morning—
Rummer has it there were marlin seen out by the oil rigs
Coastal fish picking up with the warmer water— Bass seem to be on the spawn with some orange under their jaws , aggressive bites— fun fishing—
~Closed on Mondays ~ House painting- Yikes! Still not done— more to do! yikes
It’s Sunday and that day of rest— or go fishin instead- lots of folks out and about— Morning clear with a few high tropical cloud aloft— coastal wise still good with a light marine overcast offshore—
Ah— not much now— saw some fish earlier, dragging a Mad Max around now— about a mile off the East end— 11:37
We were out to the 277 looked dry—- 14 was looking good yesterday lots of sealife— we got about a 40 lber Yellowtail out by the Farnsworth , yea were out near there also trolling a mad max,, got hooked up—- probably a shark lost it -— 27 45.7 dolphins - Yep - it’s summer again— from radio talks on the VHF to sailboaters, kayackers and boats going by blaring out Disco music or Pontoon boats w sun shades and alcoholics - Ahaa- it’s Summer again-
Reported yellows under a paddy 14 others found bait—
Squid boat was at the island still had some left,
Another week of good weather in front of us=-= Good Luck- JD
I wouldn’t be surprised if there were more and more of those big tunas around— late afternoon trolling- Stand by—
Ahaaa its Saturday June 22 and Summers here with a heat wave—-no appearance of fog here on t he beach this morning— light marine layer backing off by 9 am- Tides were very low this AM a minua 1.2 and an evening high at 6.6 almost a 8ft tide swing— lots of weight off the earths coastal plates— just saying— stand by—
“The one we got was 140 lbs— there were 200 lb’ers in there — so be aware”— either it’s great VHF reception this morning ( could be) or they were closer than we think—but it was loud and clear— “the ones we saw yesterday were big— we had Yellowtail gear and it wasn’t enough— Bring the heaver stuff”— 277? 10:22am
Morning’s Slack Tide at 11:30 standing by— this afternoons low slack at 3:30 then a good rise after that— stand by —- And another nice day here at the beach—- looks like everyone’s having fun—
Friday—June the 21st—- Clearing earlier and a bit more from the west this morning— Nice day forecasted as the first Summer’s weekend starts—- from now on the days get shorter— sorry—
Radio checks this morning on the VHF— many boats headed to the islands, From the fish counts on SD it looks like more smaller fish than larger— 30-60lb stuff- two a day limit.
SAT...(It's not listed but fog, heavy also on the radio broadcast)-- Wind variable less than 10 kt. Seas 3 ft. Wave Detail: W 1 foot at 4 seconds, W 3 ft at 7 seconds and S 2 ft at 14 seconds. . SAT NIGHT... Wind variable less than 10 kt. Seas 3 ft. Wave Detail: W 1 foot at 4 seconds, W 2 ft at 8 seconds and S 2 ft at 15 seconds. A slight chance of tstms after midnight. .SUN...Wind variable less than 10 kt, becoming W 10 kt in the afternoon. Seas 3 ft. Wave Detail: W 1 foot at 4 seconds, W 2 ft at 8 seconds and S 2 ft at 17 seconds. A slight chance of tstms.
West wind returned this afternoon but not so strong as expected, 10-14 , Spoke to a customer- who was heading out tomorrow morning— for a good distance run— the thought of fog, even though he had the radar- , gave him second thoughts, We’ve all been there — should I go or not— ?
With the opening up of the cloud cover able to get a one day water temp images from 61 to 73 degrees, that warm eddy of waters has rotated up into the lee of Catalina,, effects of that strong eddy condition we’ve had the past weeks, more to come - see below right
Good luck this weekend — moons filling water’s warming fish are on the prowl — have fun - watch the fog-
Thursdays June 20th and feels like or looks like summers here— warm inland- beaches are crowded and the freeways are packed - what marine coverage we had this morning left by noon still hazy seaward- wind light to fair from the south— seas have a little wind chop on them small swells
Lots of folks getting ready for the weekend- filling up boats and getting tackle ready-
South of the border-- fresh to strong NW winds and rough seas are expected near Baja California Sur, including the waters near Cabo San Lucas and off Cabo Corrientes through Fri morning due to tighter pressure gradient. During the weekend, fresh to strong southerly winds might develop at the northern Gulf of California.
Scott came by—- no seabasses for him today— must not like his boat— but the butts were there— a nice 30+ lber on a mackerel - Weather was good for the day— a little mid day stuff but it backed off Nice day — Moons filling quickly — Nice summer day—
-Wed June the 19 2024 Overcast and calm,, water’s getting warming by the day now— reported towards the 70 degree mark this morning off Newport and fish are biting- or at least a few of them— reports of one angler having hooked three White Sea Bass one, two, three , first one hook got turned into the bait, missed it- second took off 150 yds straight out- backed the drag off it while the third rod had gone off and the fish tried to climb under the boat— had it on for a while, hook came loose while fighting the other fish — only landing one of the est 30-35 lbs—
Tides are filling w Full this weekend-
Woulda Coulda Shoulda , on second thought a shoulda have, thought about it last night about 2 am— made an exploratory run down towards the 43 this morning— , ya see any kelps or yellows—- humm now that I think about it— Nope don’t recall seeing any kelps at all, had the Mad Max out, a diving plug and a cedar plug—- saw good sighs of life- some birds, terns around— waters blue and clean- warm think I even had 70 degrees,, —- I think I metered tunas—- should have dropped down a jig ! Hind site !
Report from Clemente— OK fishing some yellows to be caught the fleet was there in the Cove after the Navy’s exercises were over- sardines and the squids were both good for the bass and yellows, bottom grabbers , not much in the way of sea life seen in crossing back to Newport- water temps there 67 degrees clean
And he ends the day with a 23 lb right eyed halibut on 8lb tackle—sardine
Tuesday— busy- and didn’t get in the report— waters warming—
Closed on Mondays-
June the 16th Sunday and it’s POP’S Day- a little breezy from the south this AM due to swing around later this afternoon west- nice day lots of folks out walking dogs and riding bikes and a few sailors too — Windy—
June the 15th— Regular Summer day here at the beach this morning— coastal marine clouds lingering befor they go away- sunney inland, wind is very light from the west/southwest 2- 4 kts + a little wind and swell there- but pleasant - Lots of folks out- many headed to the islands yesterday -
Radio checks and it seems a new breed on the water this season- boats that dont looks like boats, speedboats 50 -60 ft long with 5 giant 250 HP outboards mounted them and outriggers too! and then there’s the old Boston whalers and volkswagen parkers everywhere, added goofy looking canoe electric boats and sailors too - yep summer’s here-
SD waters still producing some tunas—both big and med- small- from inside the border line southwards to the 60 and beyond, getting windy out there later today and tomorrow- S/E here on the beach tomorrow ( Sunday) morning— better afternoon-
Catalina— spots of squid showing up— but weather picking up on the backside—
Welcome to the Summer Months—
Earlier this week it was posted, Steve, ‘Hammer passed ~ RIP” - he caught his share!
Friday the 14th— hazy blue sky this morning—more marine haze seaward, wind light from the south, southwest 3 6 kts- light wind ripple on the water-
Several boats headed to the island early today— the halibuts and bass fishing still reported good there— shallow water (20-30 ft) or less for the butts- not much in the way of tide currents movements — it goes slack just before noon. Swordfish might pop right after that or the tails at the islans if thears any current wrapping around the island, at Clemente Island for those hoping for the tails or tunas or bass— looks like the SHOBA/ Cove to be Active “ Hot” between 7 am and 5 pm Friday, Sat and Sunday check the web site San Clemente Island Security the following weekend it’s open— Gold Bluff to Wilsons look’s open
Whalers found dolphins about 500 of them off Laguna— and a Humpback spotted towards Dana—
Nice day— sunny most of the day- and a light to med west afternoon wind- Good luck this weekend if you get out—
Thursday’s Report- June the 13th- almost half the months already gone by- not so gloomy here on the beach this morning— wind up early from the west— see what that brings— seas have a bit of light wind cap to them- 10 more days till the days begin to shorten!
Navy’s got some live fire exercisers going on asking marines to exit the waters behind Clemente Island- —
Back in the old —old - old days when Penn came out with plastic spools which were lighter and cast better— problems developed when that stretchy monofillament line was tightly wound back on the reel— the spool would split! Today—in refurbishing and older Penn Monofil 25 it’s spool had split— and in a old shop like here—had one— a original 25 plastic spool in the box !
And sunshine today— we should be able to get a better satellite water temp and chlorophyll images this week-
West all today- the weekend weather looks good Sat , stronger south wind in the morning on Sunday
Scott fished the local spots today— not much for him— no halibuts, nor basses or anything else— long days— looks good but no bites on the bigger stuff
The good news was that Billy got out this week— way to go Billy——- the sad news is the reporting of Steve “Hammer” passing —-may he rest in peace
Wed’s Report-June 12 Still overcast some morning drizzle seas calm some light wind 3-5 from the southwest- all’s fine on the western front—
Afternoon sun apeared- turns nice with a bit of blue skly before the evening marine clouds comes it— not much said on the radio except— if I heard it right sounded like the life guards had used a drone to help spot a shark off 18h street? thats it— more tomorrow
Spent the day mostly working, scrapping off that outer bark/ skin of those bamboo blanks I’ve been working on— 5 days, 18 razor blades so far and six blanks finished with their first stage of production-
Tuesdays report- June the 11th and the beat goes on— still gloomy on the water this morning though calm and good visibility on the gray slick surface -some sea ruffle on the surface from a light west wind there’s a low swell there too that hides low flying pelican.
Whalers out on numbers — they cover the water so fast and communicate with each other on the whereabouts of the sealife— exposing the many to the ocean.
Looking ahead this coming weekend— looks breezy— and at Clemente Island for those hoping for the tails or tunas or bass— looks like the SHOBA/ Cove to be Active “ Hot” between 7 am and 5 pm Friday, Sat and Sunday check the web site San Clemente Island Security the following weekend it’s open. Quiet day on the waterfront—
Closed on Mondays Caught a bass- boat runs well-
Sunday—- and the day of rest— June the 9th- Coastal marine clouds looks to be opening up early , looking better light wind from the south/east 3-5=6 kts- seas okay some light wind chop on it- no swell to speak of.
Whale watchers report Blue off Aliso 3-4 miles—
Long days— what with the Trump boat Parade with 'I’d guess 200- 300 boats of all sizes and makes tooting horns and waved flags - a good show of patriotic expression , and working on several reels that needed attention, rigging lines for kids to go fishing in the harbor with and winding line on reels for a guy headed to Loreto for some yellowtails—selling hats and tee -shirts and some anchovies and squid-
sounded like the Bluefin tunas south of the border were reluctant to bite , some smaller 50+ stuff but the bigger fish- off feed for a few days— Foe boat making the run— reported good claicos and yellows at Clemente— keep up with the navy’s request to watch there activities schedules
It’s approaching the middle of June don’t be surprised if a marlin or the swordfish shows up— standing by— and speaking of marlins— and billfish there is an upcoming billfish studies in SD- a life time experience of knowledge available there- check it out— JD
- Sat June the 8th Drizzly day again—
And a e-mail from Christian, Sekas Sportfishing— having caught the 300 lbs tunas, albacores and just about everything else that swims in his charters , he’s added the Striped Bass to the collection from—— San Clemente Island of all places!!
A few sand and calicos were being caught this am— tides low this morning —filling till noon—
Lots of patriotism here in Newport today and tomorrow \!!!
Coastal fishing ok some nice sand or calicos fou;nd in the deeper water— 60- +
Sardines and smaller mackerels being caught in abundance off the local piers, makes good bait for the halibuts that are around, there’s a few big ones around-
Lots of boat traffic today here in the harbor— and even the sun came out for half the day— nice day coastal marine stuff building towards the late afternoon- nice on the water today— another quiet day on the waterfront
-Fridays report—- Still overcast and drizzly this morning—- it’s June the 7th —- Quakes and Moon phases— there is a relationship -
Midway Atol— a special place- if every allowed to be fished there again— maybe in some scientific grant— but the fish are there— from Giant GT’s to Yellowfin, and the Marlins—- from no commercial fishing allowed for over 75 years the fish are still there—big ones! 1942: June 6: Battle of Midway
Thursdays report— hasn’t changed much still overcast here on the beach, yesterday sun only for an mid day show- today’s about the same— maybe a bit brighter- wind still from the southwest 3 5 kts seas calm-
Local Whalers say much of that sealife that was off Newport has vanished - to the south outside Dana and below it’s moved
Quiet Day on the waterfront- again sun stayed behind the cloudcover— wind stayed steady calm from the south— whales watchers still seeing whales today- baits still there- stronger currents with these major Tide Swings over the next week— low tide tomorrow dawn am- -1.5 , Sat- -1.2, Sun -.8
Wed’s report— Still overcast here on the beach, wind southwest 3 -5 kts- seas good-
Busy on tackle today- winding line on reels repairing them and new guides on a rod—
over a thousand Dolphin —a mega pod sightings —outside Dana to Laguna heading south 11:07
Late afternoon report from Catalina,, divers did well on a pair of 50 WSB, back side towards the west end of the island good crossing back this afternoon flat calm some bait mid channel
Tuesdays Report—- June the 4th - Only a month away from the 4th of July—and the days will still get longer for another 18 days - Overcast this morning light wind from the south 2-4-5 kts, still feels a bit on the cool side— and the Red Tide still remaining along the coastlines— Reports say there were spots of Bluefin on the 14 yesterday—
Tides will increase this week as that New Moon approaches. Some real lows and real highs, if your going to launch a boat this weekend - be aware of that morning low- low tide—
The Royal Polaris called in with 41 Bluefin Tuna. 37 over 100lbs all in local waters (60 mile bank)
Yellowtails at Clemente it’s reported the Thunderbird did very well there today-
Best afternoon weather we’ve had i a long time mild south wind sunny with some marine stuff coming in from the sea, tides are filling and some of that red tide as cleaned up-
Closed on Mondays— Fished the bay with Grandson yesterday- red tide drove us towards the Lido area where it was much cleaner, caught three smelt and turned on of them into a 15 inch White Sea bass— good times
Sunday, June the 2nd— still overcast and a bit of drizzle- wind light from the south/southwest, 2 3 -5 kt's seas calm, The eastern Pacific hurricane season runs from May 15 to November 30- we’re already into June- Stand by-
Chlorophyll last 8 days
Tuna fishing still on the fair side - night time bites doing well, sinkers/ baits and jigs, some daytime smaller stuff and the kites/ flyers for bigger fish is beginning to see action- , a fellow came by the shop the other day representing HB Propane, which has Helium tanks for sale and exchange (714) 375-5701 good to know—-
That dirty water makes it uncomfortable to fish in— it may be clear down below but probably not— just about the time you get set up somewhere where not to bad— the current changes and here it comes— and of note the report coming out of Cedros Island has Red Crabs there— we’ll probably see them this coming summer too! — stand by—
Saturday June the 1st—- It’s June !!!! and still gloomy- light drizzle in the overcast sky this morning—- by noon it’s still hung around gray- wind and seas light from the south- nice traveling inner waters— for those coming up from the Cape— it’s been a steady 12- 18 knt in the face ride, travelable but sloppy - small windows of ok weather allowing them to come up the line—
The tuna boats out of SD reported this morning -the Pacific Dawn called in with 10 Blueifn Tuna (30 to 50 lbs.) for 17 anglers on day 1 of their 2 day trip. and The Pegasus called in with 16 Bluefin Tuna for 11 anglers on their 1.5 day trip, Bluefin Tuna are within 50 to 60 miles. All of them ranging from 50lb to 180lbs! 60 Mile Bank
There were 6 Blue Whales outside Laguna/ to Dana today— krill and plankton tight against the coastlines
Ryan calls in today— the were out scouting around near the 209— 312 looking for kelps and yellows—-found em’— 5-7 lb yellows but there were reluctant to bite anything— bait , sardines out of Newport was very good- lively and no losses, chummed the paddies, tossed lures, nothing - they even came under the boat curious,, but not hungry— yet—
Up welled , off colored brown colored water has developed along the coastline. it’s plankton transferring from zooplankton ( animal) to phytoplankton ( plant) plankton in the warming (62-63) sunlit waters, it’s blooming , stretches along the coastline from LB southwards - plankton —-it’s the grass for the krill to feed on, that the baitfish feed on, that the whales and fishes feed on.
Friday May the 31st 2024, The End is Near!!!- this month— tomorrow starts the Summer months, and maybe more June Gloom, still Coastal cloud cover this morning trying to open up- wind and seas are light, what wind we have is a light south an 3-4 kts, Generally weak onshore flow will continue through Monday, with an intermittent coastal eddy circulation.
SAT...Wind variable less than 10 kt, becoming W 10 kt in the afternoon. Seas 3 ft. Wave Detail: W 1 foot at 4 seconds, W 2 ft at 8 seconds and S 2 ft at 16 seconds. SUN...Wind variable less than 10 kt, becoming SW 10 kt in the afternoon. Seas 4 ft.
Whales everywhere— he said—- what kinda whales??—- Blue Whales— everywhere— outside Dana- below there and up off newport - An abundance of krill along the dropoff has brought them in— 11:31 Use discretion and be respectful when approaching these whales, keep your distance and try to time their dives-
The Navy giving instructions of boats to stay out of the Live Firing Area an 35 mile radius , 31 / 19 till 1600 this afternoon , or may be a bit longer
Fri, Sat, Sunday Good tides for that afternoon evening tide- weather looks good for the inner waters this weekend- go catch a seabass or a swordfish!
We were on our way to Avalon this past Saturday and spotted this Swordfish tailing on the surface. We were 4.65 miles outside of the Newport jetty in 63.5 degree water. I had no gear ready and wasn’t planning on fishing on the way over so we were caught flat footed. I first thought it was a shark and then suspected it might be something better. I turned to starboard and got really close before it leisurely swam away. Nice to know that they are close and here.
From earlier last week— Swordfish are around , boating from the mainland to the islands— it’s time to put at least one heavy outfit in the boat—— things change out there that we know nothing about- yet—undersea currents up-well from years past bringing with them all sorts of things- we’ve had a Fall and winter season of changing currents, winds and rains from predictions of heavy El Nino to La Nino - - Either way, the trips offshore from now till late fall leave open for some of the bigger gamefish-, pull out that 50 lb gear and a belt too, frozen squid? or a cedar plug will keep you in the game.
Tue and Wed - not reported
Monday Memorial Day May the 27 2024- Starts a bit on the overcast side- due to become sunny later on- wind is light from the west/southwest 4 5 kts+ seas okay. Lots of folks out , boaters of just about anything that floats were out-Generally weak onshore flow will continue this week, with a coastas
Water north of us , Huntington area reported to be off-colored dirty looking color— lots of boats out and not much in the way of solitude fishing for the day-
Lots of folks out , boats of just about anything that floats was out
Weather stayed Southwest 5-8kts for the day and the sun really never came out a little on the cool side
Halibut fishing off the backside of Catalina Island good— live sardines and shallow water
Sunday, May the 26 Memorial Weekend - a time of thought , morning hours brings a stronger marine layer with clouds behind it- wind, a bit stronger from the south— eddywise- light wind chop with it- seas ok-
Coastal fishing up and down— with the wind and currents, and clear and dirty water— yet another report this morning of a mystery fish bite — almost spooling the angler— yellow?
Sounded like there were some halibuts bites down off Salt Creek , meter marks of sand bass on the bottom
Fun day on the water mid day the sun came out — so did the west wind- couple of boys in the shop today— saying they caught bonito here in the harbor— 4-5 lb fish !
Rest and relax tomorrow - good day to spend some time with family
Received a dozen Tonkin Cane, split bamboo blanks, cut and laminated the six side are bound together with glue and spiral wrapped to assure all the strips stay straight and true. Unraveling the glued strips reveals their characteristics and true nature. JD
Sat’s report May the 25th- Nice day— early morning clouds left us with sunshine!— lots of folks out and about— wind light to fair from the west- seas good, yet still a bit offcolored green and cool at 58-60 degrees here locally— clearing sky will give us a better water temp/ Chlor images.
Boats below the border chasing the bluefin-looks like the fish are traveling up the line towards U.S. Waters! 60 mile bank and beyond fair catches some of them upwards to 150 lbs,
The Condor called in with 2 Bluefin Tuna (100 lbs. and 140 lbs.) for 13 anglers on day 1 of a 3 day trip.
The Islander called in with 11 Bluefin Tuna (100 to 130 lbs.) for 16 anglers on day 1 of a 3 day trip.
The Pacific Queen returned this morning with 19 Bluefin Tuna (up to 100 lbs.) for 23 anglers on a 2 day trip.
Regular Summer type day— lots of folks out—- sunny for most of the day- those afternoon summer marine clouds came in with calming weather— it’s changned , the weather— atmosphere has changed, waters’ s still cool but show signs of warming- 62 mid channel , fish should starting biting soon- , backside of the full moon- grunion should still be running at night 10:45pm - during the day they school 30- 50 ft deep off the sandy shores -
Friday’s report—- missing— got too busy— JD
Thursdays Report May 23 24, soon to be June- it’s going quick, less than 30 days before the sun starts to decline— Carpe Diem they say, make hay while you can! Moring cloudcover, more inland than along the beaches, seems to brigned up as some sun gets through- Wind still in it’s eddy effect from the south from those outside stronger west winds, outer waters, Weak to moderate onshore flow will continue through early next week, with a weak coastal eddy through Friday. .TODAY...SW wind 10 kt. Seas 3 to 4 ft. Wave Detail: SW 2 ft at 4 seconds, W 3 ft at 8 seconds and S 2 ft at 15 seconds. .FRI...SW wind 10 kt, veering to W in the afternoon. Seas 3 to 4 ft. Wave Detail: W 2 ft at 4 seconds, W 3 ft at 9 seconds and S 2 ft at 14 seconds. .. .SAT...W wind 10 to 15 kt. Seas 5 to 6 ft. Wave Detail: W 3 ft at 4 seconds, W 5 ft at 7 seconds and S 2 ft at 14 seconds. . .SUN...Wind variable less than 10 kt, becoming SW 10 kt in the afternoon. Seas 4 ft.
Moon was full last night- Grunion tonight and for the next few nights-
Whalers, scattered common dolphis off main Beach / Laguna,, no large ones seen yet- 10:33 am
I would be surprised if a boat traveling this weekend didn’t came across good sighs of sealife mid channel -
Catalina was 62 63 degrees and they were biting”— sounded like Benny on the radio coming back from the Island- 10:37
Give the Club- BAC a call if you want to be a weekend weigh-master- free fish if they give you some ! the BAC is looking for an part time weekend help - it’ll give you something to do and meet cool people!
San Clemente Island Security- San Clemente Island Security Note to pay attention to- starting May the 24 for a month much of San Clemente Island will be restricted—Check with their web site
TIMES: 010800Z MAY 24 TO 010800Z JUN 24
May the 22- Wed’s Report——— Okay day- light overcast early on- sun and hazy sky for the rest of the day- wind light to fair towards the afternoon hours—- seas okay early on too—- mix of seastate
Water Temps last 8 days
Christians’s photo of the huge Yellowtail got everyone all excited- that’s a big fish for local waters— Joel Zide caught it on a flyline sardine in 58 degree water off the coast; we were fishing for seabass, but he just felt like fly lining a bait. And it panned out! No seabass, but we’ll take the yellow, it was 54” long and fat bastard
———— May the 21 2024- Tuesdays report- light overcast sky- wind light from the west 3 - 5 kts seas ok- there’s a 3-4 f swell or better from the south- mix it on the light west wind wind and some calm seas - is what’s there- for now-
Fishing locally— the reef ( Newport artificial reef) takes a lot of pressure— one it’s relatively close to the harbor and can only take so much- from there north there’s a multitude of other structure spots to fish- they all can hold sealife to them- Without much kelp to them— if you can get the fish out of their hangout when hooked you’ve got a relatively good chance to land them- not much out there except sand and mud bottoms to deal with- a 50 lb Yellowtail came from one of them yesterday!!
Waters still cool- some of this swell will also upwell some cooler water from underneath- red tide?
Closed on Mondays - shopping and afternoon bay fishing with grandson
May 19 Sunday’s late report— Nice day - with mornings clouds leaving sunshine- wind stayed light to fair for the day mostly west to southwest and back to west later in the day- seas were cold- with a 58 degree morning water temps by —2 pm up to 60 degrees— still cold for the Middle of May— Best years in the past were the May and June’s for Salmon— the coldest waters of the year- with an abundance of anchovies— they, the anchovies are not here so far this year—
Boat traffic was tight in the restricted waters we have left— MLAP’s have squeezed all the boats together
Fishing fair today—the T/C’s twenty boat tournament for three days - 3 fish total- two at Catalina one locally—
Received in this week another dozen new hand made bamboo blanks, Light tackle - Six Thread strength with deflection of a 60” length’s horizontal drop of 16’ w/ a 3 lb weight. a lot of sanding and varnishing yet to come—
May the 18th Saturday— started off a bit on the overcast side ends up nice and sunny— still a little cool here on the beach— water temps and air low to mid 60’s
Lots of folks out today-doing everything imaginable- biking, walking, boating, fishing. nice day-
Toms WSB tops out over 60 lbs on light tackle vintage gear ( bamboo rod, linen line and the reel pre- 1950s and I think he was solo too !!! Congrats —JD
bay fish Ok with the bass on the chew — afternoon westerly wind and small wind chop on the water
May the 17th the month just keeps rolling along— still what’s called May Gray- and it is— calm seas and a light west/southwest wind at 2-4 kts-
T/C having thee Annual White Sea bass tournament, started last evening will runs through Sat, boats scattered from Clements Island to the beach and to the Channel Islands - fish in all spots , one taken locally this morning— Nice big fish 64 lbs on vintage tackle — congrats— BAC’s top light tackle record stands at 53.2 lbs— challenged by this fish!
Wind stayed west for the day and still mostly overcast for the length-
Bottlenosed dolphins were off Laguna and a Minkki Whale or two were there too
May 16th Thursdays Report- and it overcast again- maybe some break in the clouds- we’ll see- wind is light from the west 1-3 kts seas calm some swell in there from the west— waters still on the cool side but slowly warming and staying steady as it climbs- that overcast sky helps reflect back the Ultraviolets back down to the ocean’s surface -warming it a bit more
Long day today— worked on a dozen or more rods and reels, replacing broken guides, re-epoxy 4 rods , service clean, lube and replace drags in 10 reels, new line on all of them from 130 braid to 15 mono with F/C leaders on them. Added service on a Shimano Torsa 30 and kept up with the shirts and hats sales and various fishing tackle sales, full day—
Sun really never made it out today— stayed west 6- 10 for the day
May the 15th Wed’s Report— Nicer day except the light drizzle this morning— seas were good and a bit of sunshine later in the mid days sun. Not much in the way of local WSB catches today— lot’s of efforts but not much if any caught— a few mystery bites - maybe blacks Sea Bass-or a sharks , not may bat rays so far this season— if any- halibut fishing fair at best—
Inside the harbor — right as he was bulling his Luck Craft lure out of the water— something charged it— the battle was on— what was it it’s big and strong—— guess what it was?—— a Yellowtail about 7-8 lbs! —
Down South the tuna were here, then gone for the most part-
Mayo the 14th- Tuesday almost half the months gone by all ready- be the Forth of July before you know it— Light cloud cover this AM- starting to burn away by noon- wind is light from the south- a swell from the west comes in once in a while,
Abundance of smaller green back mackerels and sardines along the coastlines—- anchovies— that’s another story- bait haulers were up to Monterey looking for it- and improrts from Mexico for the frozen stuff- Squid—? starting to see small spots of it , but not enough for commercials catches—
White Sea bass fair along the coast here- fair at Catalina and Clements— Yellows at Clemente, and a few at Santa Barbara island- and the WSB are eating sardines up at Santa Rosa Island—- no squid there and they were hungry-
A look at the San Clemente Security’s web site shows the “Cove” to be basically off limits for the weekend San Clemente Island Security
Tuna still being sought after outside Ensenada ‘s lower 500 area— mostly night time fishing but there’s fish there during the day too- and probably WSB on the beaches
Nicer day today- sunshine here along the coastline—
Tides will build this weekend
Closed on Mondays — went fishing- had a good time —good exercise rowing about- dragging a green backed mackerel around for a few hours—- had one good bite and a seal bite— water’s green close to the beach- early morning lots of smaller dolphins pushing the bait schools of mackerel and sardines
Sundays report—- mayo the 12th 2024—Happy Mom’s day
- Different day— more overcast and the lack of that west wind— back to a south wind at oly a few kts- 1 - 2 seas calm- glassy in areas— nice stayed nice all day-
The WSB fleet out again- the word had gotten out—- the bite’s slowed down— maybe it’s the number of boats or- noise —or—- the few fish that were here got caught?- could be—- there’ wasn’t many here before last week— maybe that was it?— naw —there’s more to come- JD
With the appearance of baitfish— Humpback Whales are about— right out front of Dana 10:34 a big breach— that was a great one— !
Paul H. out of Newpoet takes the 1st fish Flag for the Tuna Club this morning—- nice fish on 20lb Dacron— Congrats—-
Tuna fishing , night time stuff as good for the bigger fish last night— 50- 150lbs baits and the deep jigs
May the 11 2024- the days are long now enjoy them— soon the shorten again—
Light overcast again this morning- wind light to fair from the southwest—4-7 kts small caps on it, no swell to speak of.
Lots of folks out and about— good incoming tide this morning and later this afternoon-
Happy Mon’s day on Sunday—- take her out for a boat ride—
Vick’s white sea bass weighed in at 64 lbs! 2 more pounds and he’d have a world record fish on 12# line. His current 12# Club record is 64 lbs. 11 oz. He also holds the WSB world records in 6# and 8#. Don’t forget to bring the head to enter your name in the raffle. #balboaanglingclub
Despite the number of boats out fishing today— on the whole it was slow - only a few bites here and there—
Sun came out later in the day- still that west wind for much of it—
Thursdays May the 9th 2024-
Better weather today- light overcast seems to be going away with some hazy blue behind it— wind still from the southwest 2-5 kts- seas good Tides still strong
El Nino report— it’s going cooler—
ENSO Alert System Status: El Niño Advisory / La Niña Watch
Synopsis: A transition from El Niño to ENSO-neutral is likely in the next month. La Niña may develop in June-August (49% chance) or July-September (69% chance).
During April 2024, below-average equatorial sea surface temperatures (SSTs) emerged in small regions of the eastern Pacific Ocean. However, above-average SSTs prevailed across the rest of the equatorial Pacific . Below-average subsurface temperatures held steady during the month with negative anomalies extending from the Date Line to the eastern Pacific Ocean Convection was near average overall across the equatorial Pacific Ocean and Indonesia Collectively, the coupled ocean-atmosphere system reflected the continued weakening of El Niño and transition toward ENSO-neutral.
The most recent IRI plume favors an imminent transition to ENSO-neutral, with La Niña developing during July-September 2024 and then persisting through the Northern Hemisphere winter The forecast team continues to favor the dynamical model guidance, which suggests La Niña could form as early as June-August 2024, with higher confidence of La Niña during the following seasons.
Fish report from SD with good Bluefin Tuna fishing Great fishing right now! Bluefin Tuna are within 50 to 60 miles. All of them ranging from 50lb to 180lbs! The American Angler caught 44 Bluefin Tuna, Polaris Supreme caught 28 Bluefin Tuna and the Shogun caught 18 Bluefin so far. Heavy loss due to light gear. Boats were working outside Ensenada 30 miles weather fishable— 31:38/ 47 and 117:28/31
Coastal fishing improving— at least a few WSB are in the area— there’ bait both sardines and mac’s and the barge should have bait too-
Weather looks OK for tomorrow- blowing up on the outside this weekend—
Wed’s Report May 8th , clear hazy sky- wind light to fair from the south- seas about the same-
waters still cool-
Expected 2024 Runs - Closed Season (Observation Only) Wed 5/8- 9:50 p.m. - 11:50 p.m.
Tuesday’s Report May 7th- — Clear sky- wind from the south-, eddy from the outer watrerly winds— seas ok mixed, still a bit of lump for that outside swell and the S/E light wind chop— waters cooler and a bit more green-
Boys are in the shop early today— fishing the smaller barracuda here in the harbor—
The Newport’s Bait barge is back in the harbor— try on Ch 79 if their open or have bait ,
New Moon (Dark) tonight
This past week a friend dropped off a collection of the older vintage reels, Pflueger Templars, Ocean City, a rare 1930 Shakespeare Miller Autocrat 4/0, and a couple what appears to be very old English line winders. They all have been under the stress of wear and tear over the years , they’ve been used a lot! Now I get to refurbish them back to usable shape-
Saturday Mayo the 4 2024- broken cloud cover- sun trying to come out— wind light from the S/W seas good- lots of folks out and about .
Only radio checks so far on the VHF
Weather turned westerly and more clouds getting ugly out here— —- BAC weaighted in the First White Sea Bass of the Year for them 50+lb fish— secret spot-
U.S. Border patrol in and out the harbor today— back and forth—- back and forth—-
Friday Mayo 3 2024- Gray again- but warmer— wind light to fair from the Southeast 4-6 kts— light wind chop with it— couple of boats came in early?
Generally weak onshore flow and a coastal eddy will continue into Saturday. Gusty west to northwest winds late Saturday through Sunday evening are likely to generate hazardous boating conditions, especially in the outer waters. Weaker onshore flow follows Monday and Tuesday. .TODAY...Wind variable less than 10 knots...becoming southwest 10 knots this afternoon. Wind waves around 2 feet or less. Mixed swell west 2 to 3 feet at 9 seconds and southwest 1 to 2 feet at 15 seconds. .SATURDAY...Wind southwest 10 to 15 knots. Wind waves around 2 feet or less. Mixed swell west 2 to 3 feet at 8 seconds and southwest 1 to 2 feet at 16 seconds...SUNDAY...Wind west 15 to 20 knots with gusts to 25 knots. Wind waves around 4 feet. Mixed swell west 5 to 7 feet at 7 seconds and southwest 2 feet at 15 seconds.
Approaching northern front due to get windy and a bit choppy-
Local kids in the shop today— casting and catching inside the harbor barracudas, almost legals lengths- casting shallow running plugs- Lucky Crafts flash minnows- -
tomorrow’s mornings, southwest 5-8 kts wind- Sunday’s AM up to 12-15 kts West , tides building as the New moon nears—
Sea Bass—- report of a 50-60 lb fish caught locally today—-
Thursdays report— the 2nd- Gray sky for the day— overcast and a bit cooler— light southwest wind today 3- 5 kts- seas calm , seems some of that whaling activity has quited down a bit— more dolphins around today- a Minki and a few Fins so far— off Main beach Laguna—
Sky brightened as the afternoon hours took on the sun-
And this weekend Saturday 8:30- 2 pm The BAC will be hosting their Tackle Swap Meet- at the — Schock Boats Huntington Harbour located 16214 Pacific Coast Hwy Huntington Beach, 92649 United States
Weather this weekend look ok for the inner waters ( blowing west outside) on Sat morning mid day- it turns west, Sat night into Sunday all day strong west winds and seas-
Cinco de Mayo on Sunday— tacos and beers!
Today’s work included finishing up on a pair of older reels, Torium 30 and a Avet- clean and lube all bearing - replace/ re-lube drag washers , new line ready for the trip to Cedros Island.
Help out a customer today with his tackle, his baitcaster casting techniques improved and knots explained. such simple things that help alot.
Wed’s report the 1st of May— should be lots of May flowers around— inland its warming under the sun — coastlines and seaward still some of that marine haze - Seas are good and calm— light south eddy wind 3-4 kts- Still lots of that green algae lot’s of it now-
Blue Whale at 28/48 heading north 301 degrees a 2 kts- 10:36am— takes a short blow and a short 2 min dive then 4 or 5 big blows then down 10 minutes
Those elsuive Bluefin Tunas—- latest reports say comerical rock cod fishermen working the 100 fathom ledge above Morro bay report seeing Bluefin Tuna— and probally so- it’s May they should be on the move by now—
White Sea Bass fishing— still on the slow catching side, Channel Islands has a few being caught there— meter marks show many more, just a right time issue they say- closer to our local waters, a few bites on the smaller greenback mackerels, art reefs and structure spots.
Earthquakes and fish— studies show there’s a pause in the feeding schedule during the quaking event—
Tuesday’s Report- April 30 last day of this month- Mostly clear sky - marine haze seaward- wind is light from the South- as a eddy from stronger outside West winds—and it looks like that for another week or better— coastal south for the next few weeks—
Generally weak onshore flow and an occasional coastal eddy will occur this week.
Today’s excitement—— not much except a couple, three (5) Fin backed whales off Aliso 28/48 heading offshore 4-5 kts, not shy- waters very green out there, bands of off-colored water offshore and a Blue Whale at 28. 5/ 34 and Humpback inside off Salt Creek! - coastal fishing— might be a sea bass or two around???
Closed on Monday— Picked weeds!
Sunday-the 28 of April— Blue sky again, nice— again light marine haze seaward— wind light from the south- 2 4 kts seas are good—
radio reports of anglers catching a few calcos and a sculpin, he kept them, coastal bay and harbor waters still with that green algae but it seems to be short lived and much of it can be seen drifting in mats and broken loose from the bottom , starting to fall apart.
Water’s flat, clean and green, good amount of smaller bait around, 59 degrees
Sat April the 27th , clear sky this am— some marine haze seaward with the south eddy 6-10 kt wind this morning, light wind chop on it. Vela-Vela’s lots of them appearing in the waters— Stand by for the Mola-Mola’s to be here too-
A look at this year ( Left) and last years ( below) water temps from 50 to 75 degrees for the Month of April
April the 25th Thursdays report— Broken cloud cover wind still light from the west— stronger west offshore— light eddy from the south is expected during morning hours this weekend,
If your up to it— 10:30 this evening and about an hour later each night thereafter for a couple nights— Grunion Hunting— find a secluded sandy shore beach, ( many city’s close the beaches after 10 pm) - Salt Creek is open as is some other beaches , no nets or traps only hand catching
Note to pay attention to- starting May the 24 for a month much of San Clemente Island will be restricted—Check with their web site
TIMES: 010800Z MAY 24 TO 010800Z JUN 24
April the 24th still trying to figure out this new web site— not in favor of it but it works so far— to continue- Mornings coastal clouds left early light west wind cleared it out- hazy seawards— light wind chop- 10- 15 2025 Small Craft outside waters
Tides are strong full moon tonight- waters still on the cool side-
This weekend, small fishing tournament between the yacht clubs here in Newport— with all that green algae growing on the bottom, makes trolling those deep diving lures become fouled quickly, try to keep them closer to the boat and only 7-8 ft deep- it might help- there’s a few halibuts in the bay- bass fishing okay , baits also will do better if suspended off the bottom a few feet— good luck JD
Facebook shows that Turtle bay fueling is back in business- that helps those who are planning to head south this coming fall for the Mag bay fishing.
Today’s work brings a pair of Pflueger 1419 3/4 Templar reels for restoration, one of them held 300 yard length of 50 lb nylon fishing line, stretchy line like a rubber band the other reel filled with Linen six-thread. Both reels still in good shape- manufactured in 1935!!
April the 23 2024 - Tuesdays and overcast, slowly clearing- wind fresh from the west— light to mild wind chop -not much of a swell - hazy marine layer forecasted- not much said so far on the radio —
April the 22 Sunday - light westerly this morning as that cloudcover starts to evaporate, seas ok with a west small wind chop against that swell coming in from the S/W , a little cross swell to it, not bad— bait was a little ought to make this morning— Newport’s bait receiver still yet to come—
Cloud cover came back in early— cooler—-
couple of boats went out to the rock cod grounds, AKA 14 mile bank— did well— noted why they taste so good—, coming up from the depths as the did, just like their air bladder all the body’s tissues expand, the fish physically gets larger- everything get’s tenderized and the flesh flakes easier—
Closed on Mondays—-
Sat April the 20th— Still overcast- but more and more boaters and folks out today— it’s Saturday— Newport’s Boat Show is on- lots of $$$ Boats and yachts, Whale watchers are out - gray 60 ft of water off Laguna heading south?- Barge workers still on the VHF as is the regatta sailors.
Fishing??- stand by—
VHF radio brings many things— 12:35 the squelch breaks— calling Newport harbor patrol— as we were just heading out the harbor whale watching boat spots a 36/36 ft vessel with very bow heavy coming into the harbor— went towards it to check it out— it makes a U turn and pulls into M Street dock- offloads about 30 people-and abandons the boat ! Yikes—
Friday again—— April the 19th , high overcast ,light south wind- seas good with a S/W swell far apart
— Fin Whale off laguna and Humpback not far behind it—both going south— a few spots of dolphins too-
tides mellow will increase next week as that moon fills—
It’s a slow process figuring this new system out— more tomorrow JD
Thursday, April 18th 2024
Well we’re back online. Thanks for your patience. New website - fresh start to the fish report.
Back in January we lost website, old programs and new servers - it’s taken a while to get it all sorted out, and not all together there yet— slowly one step at a time.
April the 18 and we’re still waiting for the fish to start biting well- a few sand or calicos, halibuts at the islands and hopefully as that moon fills we’ll see a seabass bite, — The lack of squid off the west coast all the way down from Monterey southwards is holding off much of the bite of the seabass and yellows for this time of year.
Anchovies, one of the other staples of bait, also has been retarded, a few spots of 2-inch stuff seen by spotter planes also has been scattered and not often.
The past weeks and months I’ve been working on the bamboo rods, mainly fitting the hardware, reel-seats and gimbles to the wooden handles they’ve been reinforced with a sleeve of a fiberglass rod, wooden foregrips were hollowed out to fit the stronger tip sections of med and heavy blanks and then epoxied , they look nice.
And todays work included refurbishing and older 14/0 Ocean City reel, cool old reel!
More to come— welcome back
If you’ve enjoyed these fish reports and want to help out, send $10 $20 or more to JD either via PayPal (using the below button) or stop by the shop (406 South Bayfront, Balboa Island, CA 92662)