Meet JD
John Doughty, “JD”, grew up in Orange County, California. He and his twin brother would fish off the pier, beach, and public docks.
His goal was to one day own his own fishing tackle shop right in Newport Harbor.
In 1976, JD started running Bisbey’s Sportfishing Headquarters in a little store front behind the fuel dock on Balboa Island in Newport Beach, California.
And in 1990, JD’s childhood goal became a reality when he took over that storefront to house his own business “JD’s Big Game Tackle”.
JD’s fishing career has spanned salt and fresh water on three continents.
From New Zealand, to Columbia, Scotland, and extensively throughout the eastern Pacific, he has landed iconic game fish across the globe.
JD is a recognized expert on big game fishing. Some of his many accomplishments include:
The first director to run the famous Black and Blue Marlin Tournament in Mexico, from 1979 to 1985
Winner of a Telly award for his contributions to a Zane Grey documentary
Invited by the US Government (three times) to assess the sportfishing at Midway Atoll in the Pacific
One of a 12 angler team to set a record in 2019 for catching 330 striped marlin in just 1 day (900 marlin in 4 days)
Honorary member of the iconic Tuna Club out of Catalina Island, California
JD continued the fishing journey by teaching his two daughters to fish, even landing them two world records in the process.
And his current passion is teaching the newest generation of fishermen, particularly his three grandchildren who spend their afternoons casting in the harbor with JD’s faithful shop dog, Charlie.